Tag Archives: anonymous

Infiltrators of the Occupy Movement.

Popular activist movements attract all manner of scavengers and hangers-on, most of which seek to capitalize on the success of the more popular group to compensate for the fact that the majority of society regards them as a bunch of babbling kooks. The Occupy Movement is no different, with everyone from The American Spectator to Zeitgeist seeing the mass throng of people as easy pickings by which to enlarge their subscriber base and coffers. Some of these groups, however, see the Occupy Movement as a means to seek legitimacy for their own morally reprehensible causes, whether that takes the form of racism, fraud or selling out activists to the feds.

Here then, is a list of some of the most odious and dangerous groups and individuals currently sucking off the teat of the Occupy Movement. These people shouldn’t be considered part of the broader Occupy Movement, no matter what sort of “authority” they claim.

-Aaron Barr and Thomas Ryan

Yes, THAT Aaron Barr.

Aaron Barr? Again?! After sticking his dick in the hornets nest known as Anonymous, Barr faded from view– his career and home life in a shambles. Now he’s back, trying out his same old “I’m a security SOOPAR GEENIOUS” routine with defense contractor Sayres and Associates— presumably on some half-baked mission to “infiltrate” the Occupy movement. He’s also in the company of self-proclaimed Occupy Wall Street Snitch Thomas Ryan, who happens to be a blogger for the perpetually colicky Andrew Breitbart.

-AnonCMD (Arturas Rosenbacher)


First came to prominence by hawking a bogus DDOS tool called #refref, which was promised to allow one solo user to take down any website. It was soon discovered that #refref was a total fraud, and AnonCMD was using this fake tool as a means to collect personal information on easily duped anons in order to “dox” them. He was run out of Anonops on a rail and has since turned up as the administrator for the Occupy Chicago Facebook group. During his time at the actual occupation in Chicago, he was heard to have been namedropping numerous prominent Anons as people he was allegedly friends with. This is classic snitch behavior– drop names of prominent activists as people you are “good friends with” in order to gain acceptance with higher-ups in another activist group, when in reality those “good friends” hate that snitch’s guts.

-Jaime Jo Corne and David Corne (AKA Presstorm and Vincubus)

Jaime Jo Lambertz/Corne

We have gone over this shitstorm with a fine toothed comb, and so have other sites. Presstorm’s involvement boils down to the actions of a typical grifter couple– Jaime, who has already been sent to jail for fraud, set up Presstorm to milk gullible anons and anon-supporters out of cash that would somehow “support anonymous.” Whatever. They’ve been outed as frauds, a bunch of people were embarrassed and they’re now on the run from the inescapable, unholy wrath of Anonymous. They wanted your money, now they probably want the world to forget them.

-National Democratic party of Sweden


-Hoosier Nation and the Vinlander Social Club

Neo-nazis, interested in infiltrating Occupy Indianapolis.


UFO cult associated with something called The Venus Project, which is debunked in a very thorough manner here. The long and short of it is that they want your money.

-Zendik Arts/Farm

Pseudo-hippie commune with a long history of former members with stories about various abuses and cult-like behavior perpetuated by Zendik leadership. They want all of your money.

-The Ron Paul Movement

Ron Paul cult of wackos

Personality cult built around a racist old coot. Why they’re involved with this is puzzling, because the overall thrust of the movement has been agitating for increased government oversight on Wall Street and banks and increased taxes on millionaires, which is something Ron Paul categorically opposes as being “un constitutional.” They want your money and your vote.

-Nordisk Ungdom (Nordic Youth)

Neo-nazis, involved heavily with Occupy Stockholm

-The American Spectator

Patrick Howley at the National Air and Space Museum.

American neo-conservative magazine whose editor Patrick Howley bragged about infiltrating the Occupy DC movement and subsequently led a group of protestors at the National Air and Space Museum to storm the doors, which resulted in several people being pepper-sprayed. Howley was sprayed twice and praised his attackers in a peice that has since been removed from the American Spectator’s website, replaced and edited numerous times– but not before the mainstream press wrote about it.

-Oath Keepers

Right wing militia group consisting of police officers and military personnel that– aside from REALLY HATING LEFTISTS– have attempted to be a large part of Occupy Los Angeles, going so far as to issue a really scary-sounding mission statement that does everything but state outright that they plan on staging a violent revolt against the US in general.

This part of their statement gets special notice: “Our government, over many generations has taken part in the destruction of the Constitution of the United States, the slow secretive theft of the rights from the American People, and during the un American acts, compromised the integrity of our nations great name. In light of these events, we now see ever so clearly that these leaders are no longer fit to represent the People of the Free World. We the People are now exercising our rights by way of the first two Amendments in order to Stand United for the Second American Revolution.”

The first two amendments? None of the Occupy groups has even remotely suggested any possibility of being even the slightest bit friendly to anything involving the second amendment, so this is what raises warning flags. This sort of vaguely-violent language comes directly out of the same scene that birthed the Alarm and Muster maniacs and the Sovereign Citizen movement. It’s dangerous and wholly at odds with the pacifist nature of the Occupy movement thus far; this just might be another American Spectator-esque stunt to discredit the movement as a whole.

We know these elements don’t hold any sway in the broader Occupy movement. We know that the mass media’s constant hammering of “the Occupy movement has no clear message” is bull– but it’s up to all of us to ensure that message doesn’t turn into “The occupy movement is just a bunch of paranoid, anti-Semitic UFO conspiracy theorists!”


Filed under American 3rd Position, Anarchism, Anonymous, anti-capitalism, cops, extremism, FASCISM, Nazis, Politics, Race, racism

Presstorm PWND! And the lessons to be learned

NOTE: We want to start off this article with a special note:

We are fully aware that Anonymous is not an organization, nor does Anonymous advocate anti-racism and it does not advocate racism either.
Anonymous is a collective that operates in the actions of a hive that is made up of many different kinds of individuals who all have their own ideas and ideologies.
We are also aware that there are a few individuals who have participated in Anonymous hive actions who do consider themselves white supremacists, conservatives, Republicans, Libertarians … but there has never really been any hive action advocating for racist, conservative, or Republican ideology that falls under “srs bznz”.

There have been, however, certain hive actions that have fought up against racism, police brutality, and right wing insanity.
In stating all of this we are trying to clear up any confusions of claims of what Anonymous as a collective does or does not stand for or believe, as this is a fluid concept and always depends on the individuals participating in the various hive operation


The 8Presstorm8 media operation was the brain child of a woman who uses the handle “Jamie Jo Corne”. Jamie is an interesting individual who likes to put forth the impression that she is an “investigative journalist” in fact she repeats it almost to the level of a mantra to the point where one wonders whether she is trying to convince those she is telling this to or if she trying to convince herself.

"Jamie Jo Corne"

Using her aggressive style Jamie pushed to ingratiate herself into worlds of both Anonymous and Wikileaks, gaining a combination of friends and enemies on her way.
Jamie was infamous for her lavish claims of big media connections and credits that were often disproven.
She also elbowed herself into interviews with various types of media passing herself off as both an expert on Anonymous and an insider to the happenings of Anonymous operations.
While Jamie probably isn’t the first and probably won’t be the last person on the internet to make up outlandish claims and to try to infiltrate and manipulate Anonymous, her fables were a bit off putting.

White Supremacist American Free Press Article Written by White Nationalist Willis Carto is Promoted on Presstorm

The real red flags came to the attention of many people when Jamie published an article on Presstorm by the American Free Press publication which is owned and run by the racist White Nationalist: Willis Carto

White Nationalist Willis Carto Supporting Holocaust Denier Zundel Outside German Embassy in Washington DC.

To add insult to injury, also featured in this “American Free Press” article was a quote from “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion” an old publication that is strongly believed to be the inspiration for the Nazi mass genocide of the Jews.

When confronted on this, instead of being apologetic for offering a venue for Nazi propaganda, Jamie became irate and rude. She had a cult level following of loyalists who chose to defend this kind of material rather than also question it’s presence on Presstorm which would have been the path most people who oppose racism would take.

The question was then, was Jamie herself a racist and was there an undercurrent agenda she was using Presstorm for?

This brings us to Jamie’s husband, whom we have heard is named “Dave” but we are not sure.
What we do know is that he was a sour tempered gadfly type on Twitter who used the handle “vincubusdante” and spent hours on the internet spewing nonsensical crude insults at anyone who questioned or confronted anything that had to do with Presstorm.

Jamie's Husband: "vincubusdante"

Hence, we weren’t all that surprised when this appeared:

Racist Tea-Party/Minuteman anti-immigration rhetoric from "Jamie Jo Corne's" husband "vincubusdante"

We found out that he was the author of the article on this page here:

vincubusdante as the author of the racist unpublished article on Presstorm

The full image of that editor’s directory is here:

Full Directory of vincubusdante's work

Everybody who was contributing their articles to Presstorm had access to this directory and was able to viewed this racist work in progress and nobody still had a problem or an issue with it?

Nobody had an issue when Jamie proudly posted a photo of her young children waving a Confederate flag, a symbol related to racism, slavery, lynching and hate?

Jamie's Children Waving around The Confederate Flag, One of the Most Embarrassing,Racist and Offensive Symbols in American Culture.

Jamie and her husband’s questionable racist ethics were not the only presence on Presstorm, there was also the issue of one of their main contributors who goes by the handle “Dale Hollyn”.


Dale Hollyn One of Presstorm's Top Contributors

“Dale Hollyn”‘s anti-choice articles on Presstorm struck an offensive note in a lot of people. In doing a little digging it didn’t take too long to find their right wing and quite racist Islamophobic blog called The Indianapolis Levee .
This blog which displays such hideous images as a photoshop of the Indiana African American elected official Andre’Carson being lynch:

Presstorm Contributor "Dale Hollyn" Photoshops a Lynching Using Indiana's African American Elected Official Andre' Carson

Another interesting post on “Hollyn’s” blog is the choice in the list of links:

Fascists, Islamophobes, and Presstorm make up the list of links on Dale Hollyn's Blog

The list includes Pam Geller’s Islamophobic blog Atlas Shrugs , the terrorist JDL organization leader Rabbi Kahane , WW2 Fascist leader and Ally to Hitler Mussolini, terrorism guide The Jolly Roger Cookbook , the extremist militia “Christian Patriot” movement … and “PRESSTORM” (lol!)

Was Presstorm aware of this racist blog? Well, they were following them on Twitter:

Presstorm is one of Six Followers of "Dale Hollyn's" Racist Blog


It was obvious in doing a little research that Dale Hollyn is not a real name but a handle, but who is Dale Hollyn and how does he fit into the Indianapolis community?

Research leads to the link to Dale’s blog in a signature on political forum profile

IndyLevee.com is the signature for this profile

Being that Indylevee.com is obviously not a very popular blog, and the profile states residency in Indiana we came to the conclusion that this is either “Dale Hollyn” or someone pretty damn close to him.

Profile Handle "Lewstherin" who is either Dale Hollyn or a Dale Hollyn Supporter Reveals Himself as Roger Nay a Racist Writer for the Indianapolis Examiner

Digging further we found this character popping up on an Islamophobic site bragging about his published racist articles in the Indianapolis Examiner under the name “Roger Nay”

Is Roger Nay = Dale Hollyn?

Mr Nay’s articles are so bad, racist and offensive, we found this on here with the most appalling sexist and disgusting commentary on First Lady Michelle Obama it is a complete parallel to what is found on the Neo-Nazi forum Stormfront.com.


In the world of Anonymous we must never forget or ignore the connection to 4Chan and the impish trolls from /b/. The common rhetoric and memes babbled on the internets have always be a collection of offensive and racist slurs used to troll and offend people who usually take life too seriously.
Are these slurs made because the trolls on /b/ support racism? No, they support trolling and getting “LULZ” from the people who rage from their antics.

Does /b/ or Anonymous support actual real life Ku Klux Klan or Nazi level racism? Over all we can safely say “no”.

In theory the majority of us can say we support free speech, we understand everyone has the right to be hateful if they choose and to scribbling down and even publish their bigoted verbiage.

We also reserve the right not to support hate speech nor do we have an obligation to offer it a platform and allow it to co-opt and try to define Anonymous into this kind of rightwing and hateful agenda.

Nor should we be bullied into compromising with this kind of internet presence.

The bullying from Presstorm to accept the racist publications and agenda they were pushing was almost on the level of the Scientology tactics Anonymous was fighting against only a few years ago.

As an individual, whether you are an Anon for “LULZ” or an Anon as a “freedom fighter” you never should allow yourself to be intimidated and conned into accepting an agenda that is inspired by conspiracy fairytales of hate and scapegoating those of a certain race, skin color, religion, sexual orientation. Anyone who is calling this bill of goods “freedom” is a hate mongering manipulator.

Lessons to be learned:

1. Beware of those who come out of nowhere and then assume to take charge. Anonymous is and always was a leaderless concept and should always beware of falling under the grip of a charismatic charlatan.
2. Beware of anyone begging for money, if there is someone raising money for a good cause that you think you can trust then donate at your own risk, but, Anonymous is not a cash cow, it is an internet machine.
3. Beware of crazy conspiracy agendas, most conspiracy theories are total bullshit anyone trying to push them on you is full of shit.

Jamie’s downfall is that Anonymous finally caught on to her scheme, so she picked up her marbles, put her hands on her hips and then screeched on about how she meant to do that, it was an “experiment”, she is going to write her Kitty Kelly style tell all book, …yadda…yadda..yadda… and *poof* she is gone, for now, maybe.

In the future, keep an eye out for the next Jamie and Presstorm to try to hop into your twitters, your hive, your IRC, your wallet and your nightmares, they are drama nobody needs.


Filed under Anarchism, Anonymous, extremism, Politics, Race, Uncategorized

Anonymous Vs. HBGary Federal

u mad?

February 4th, 2011, HBGary Federal CEO Aaron Barr gave an arrogant interview to the Financial Times, (which can be found here) where he claims that he knows the identities of the “leadership” of anonymous, has proof to support this allegation and is planning on using this to generate buzz about an upcoming speech he was to give at a cybersecurity conference in San Francisco later in February. Aaron Barr confessed to knowing the risks with such an undertaking, but he claimed to be prepared for them.

What happened next was stunning in its speed and brutality. Anonymous– which does not like being threatened, even with fabricated information– hacked rootkit.com, which is the personal website of Aaron’s corporate chief, Greg Hoglund. From there, anonymous was able to gain access to Greg’s email where they claimed to be Greg and sent HBGary’s technical director an email asking to open up port 59022, drop the firewall and to confirm the password. The technical director dutifully opened the port, dropped the firewall and provided the correct password.

Anonymous then had access to HBGary’s website and HBGary Federal’s website. They then downloaded the email files (“Spools”) for Aaron, Greg, and Aaron’s co-workers Phil and Ted. From there, they lured the still-incognito Aaron into a private IRC channel to confirm his identity. They did this by implying that Anonymous’ next target was HBGary Federal and– by virtue of having access to Aaron’s email– saw Aaron send an email attempting to warn his corporate masters of anon’s impending attack. With Aaron’s identity confirmed, they announced to him that they knew who he was and that they had possession of all of HBGary and HBGary Federal’s email.

Anons flooded into this chatroom and began mocking Aaron, who feebly attempted to defend himself by lying and claiming that he never intended to sell his information to the FBI, whereupon Anonymous produced his anonymous-v2.pdf file and the email that displayed his intention to attempt to sell both this file and HBGary Federal’s services to the FBI. Aaron proceeded to lie throughout this altercation, quitting in a rage several times before claiming that Anonymous had committed severe crimes and that they had “messed with the wrong opponent.” Aaron Barr finally exercised his divine right of stomping off the internet like a bratty child by offering the weak-assed excuse that anonymous was attempting to hack his home router, so in a fit of internet wizardry that completely justifies his six-figure salary, he turned his router off.

Seriously, he gets paid a six digit salary for THIS?

Penny of HBGary was brought into the chat, where she was advised to be honest as anonymous had possession of all of her emails and could verify if she was telling the truth or lying outright. Penny, being a corporatist, chose the lying path and claimed that she nor hbgary knew anything about Aaron’s activities. Anonymous quickly proved this false. While all of this was going on, Anonymous posted the 4.70 gigabyte archive to the pirate bay for the public to view.

Thanks to anonymous’ activities with chanology, a multitude of news outlets were notified and supplied with copies of the archive, where they proceeded to pick through them and pick out notable scandals, including HBGary’s involvement in a scheme cooked up by lawyers for Bank of America to intimidate, harass and blackmail journalists favorable to Wikileaks; and another scheme devised at the behest of the US Chamber of Commerce to infiltrate, subvert and hack major unions.

The fallout is still ongoing. Major IT companies are cutting all ties with HBGary, federal agencies are dumping HBGary and HBGary Federal and all companies that have installed HBGary products have been advised to discontinue their use and seek replacements due to the massive security hole this leak has produced. The juciest and most damning tidbit of all is the fact that HBGary was in possession of the infamous Stuxnet trojan– the same trojan that was used to infect and disable Iranian uranium centrifuges. Since it’s been leaked, the source code for Stuxnet is now available online for all to view.

Anonymous has since created a searchable, web-based database of all 60,000 leaked emails, which you can peruse for yourself at the following sites and mirrors:

Several lessons are readily apparent from this saga: silencing free speech and freedom of expression by underhanded means always backfires; many IT Security companies have incredibly lax security and the fact that they are employed by the federal government and paid with taxpayer dollars is laughable and insulting; attacking anonymous for personal and monetary gain is fatally idiotic.

Aaron Barr has joined Hal Turner and a long list of butthurt losers who thought they could silence the internet and failed.

He who lols last, lols best.

Right now, we're in Romania and Saipan.

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Filed under Anarchism, Anonymous, anti-capitalism, Politics, wikileaks






Filed under Anonymous





LIVE FEED @ We are all Khaled Said

FACEBOOK UPDATES AT: We are all Khaled Said


UNCONFIRMED FROM: We are all Khaled Said Some updates from Alex: Some old ladies are throwing glasses and cooking pans from their home balconies on the police in the streets. Also, unconfirmed reports that some police soldiers (Amn Almarkazy) have taken off their police suits and joined protesters. Unconfirmed as I said.




The best bits happen after 1:17.


Filed under Anarchism


A few posts back, we reported on a protest at the Quantico Marine Base where Manning is being held as a political prisoner.

Despite the failed attempts by the protesters to try to reach, contact and deliver a care package to Manning, hopes were that he was well. The fears are that he is being tortured by the biased and nationalist anti-freedom military who are keeping him there.

All of those fears have been confirmed in this report:

The Taiwan Times

WikiLeaks GI’s complaint targets his Marine jailer
Associated Press
2011-01-21 11:03 PM

The lawyer for a soldier suspected of passing classified information to the anti-secrecy website WikiLeaks is alleging wrongdoing by a military jailer.

David Coombs said Friday he has filed a complaint under military law with the commander of the Marine Corps base where Army Pfc. Bradley Manning is being held in Quantico, Virginia.

The lawyer said in a posting on his blog that Navy Chief Warrant Officer 4 James Averhart abused his discretion by placing Manning on 24-hour suicide watch from Tuesday evening to Thursday afternoon contrary to the recommendation of the military jail’s own psychiatrist.

Manning has been confined at least 23 hours day for nearly six months. His lawyer wants Manning’s maximum-security status changed to medium-security.

We found a photo of Marine Chief Warrant Officer 4 James T Averhart:

More about this scumbag theocrat here.


Filed under Anonymous, wikileaks

TARGET: Venezuela IS DOWN!!!

From the BBC News:

Venezuelan parliament votes to tighten internet rules

The parliament in Venezuela has approved a law which will tighten the rules regulating internet content.
Under the bill, online messages inciting hatred, or political and religious intolerance, are banned.
The new law also prohibits contents which is deemed to disrespect public officials.
Opposition politicians voted against the measure, which they say is a threat to freedom of speech.
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez says it will help protect citizens against online crimes.
Under the new rules, providers of online contents and internet portals could be fined if images or messages appearing on their sites “disrespect public authorities, incite or promote hatred or create anxiety in the citizenry or alter public order”.
President Chavez says the law will shield citizens from messages promoting drug use, prostitution and other crimes.
‘Fighting cybercrime’
“We aren’t eliminating the internet here, or censoring it,” he said during his weekly television and radio broadcast on Sunday.
“What we’re doing is protecting ourselves against crimes, against cybercrimes,” he added.
The Venezuelan Chamber of Electronic Commerce has criticised the measure saying that it is another step on the way to censorship and the blocking of websites.
Opposition politicians accuse President Chavez of passing a raft of restrictive laws before January, when a new parliament with more opposition delegates is sworn in.
The measure was passed just days after parliament voted to give President Chavez special powers to pass laws by decree for 18 months.

Well then…..

A message to Civil Society on Venezuela (en)

“I swear by the God of my fathers, I swear by my country, I swear by my honor,that i will not give comfort to my soul, no rest to my arm, until i cant see the broken chains that oppress my people through the will of the powerful” Simón Bolívar.

Power is a monster of a thousand faces; as many faces as there are dictatorial regimes and sinister corporations in the world. Anonymous does not take in consideration the political symbol that lies beneath those masks, it doesnt take into consideration precise ideologies, nor pre-established dogmas. Anonymous thinks in as many ways as the people who comprise it.

Freedom of expression consists precisely in that, in allowing every voice from every person to be heard in the public life. The Venezuelan governement is trying to impose censorship on the net using the “Ley del Resorte”. The second article of that law is a gateway to censor every divergent opinion. Even if we disagree with the opinions of certain media, we can’t gag them, for this would go precisely against what we defend.

That is why we start this virtual protest, to make the world understand that we are not willing to tolerate any reduction in freedom of expression, no matter whose freedom is attacked. Anonymous is here to ensure the net neutrality, and the freedom of expression of it’s people, and Anonymous people, are the citizens of the Net.

That’s why we want all civil society to realize our concerns on Venezuela. That’s why we protest. Wherever censorship is hiding, you will find us fighting.

We do not forget.
We do not forgive.
Expect us.

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Filed under Anonymous

The Reign In Spain Is Mainly In Some Pain

Earlier today:


Weather Report: Expect highs and lows and ups and downs all day….and also…us…

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Filed under Anonymous

Open letter to the Department of Justice

This is posted on the very good site AnonOps Communications

It is in reference to the insane subpenus (subpoena) issued by the Department of Justice by going after internet users who “tweet” wikileaks instead of paying attention to right wing terrorists who are actually openly harming and murdering the public


From AnonOp Communications

Open letter to the Department of Justice
To Whom It May Concern

We are regretful of your actions to attempt to retrieve information from Twitter about the account belonging to “Wikileaks”, as by doing so you are attempting to remove the anonymity of the poster and by extension, their right to speech. We are confused as to why you have brought such a subpoena against Twitter, as there is little information you will gain from these details, leaving comments and observations on the world are to our understanding; not a criminal offence

Is this not the same type of action that you, DOJ, find reprehensible in other countries? How do you justify the same action in the US? No crime has been committed yet you assume that the populace at large will just “roll over” as always and allow this intrusion.

The time has come for the people of the world to take an active part in governing their own lives and freedoms. The world must become aware that its freedoms are in jeopardy. Today, Twitter, tomorrow, what? Recent events have shown that people are becoming tired of being treated this way. Why push an unwinnable confrontation when working for the same goal is always more productive (learn from history).

The US Government expressed concern over the Tunisian Government’s actions when they attacked protesters’ Facebook accounts. Is there a difference here? They attack and you use the “law” (loosely defined) to in essence do the same thing. What’s the possible difference? Your motives are the same.

Yours Faithfully

We do not forgive. We do not forget.

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Filed under Anonymous, extremism, FASCISM

From Tunisia a Voice in Pain From the People

Stop blaming, answer our demands! We made them more than obvious for everyone to understand. We have said it in many languages!
by Hana Sendi

I would like for the government stop blaming the media. They have the right to broadcast whatever they see and hear. Journalists are just doing their jobs. In Tunisia, there is plenty of evidence of the corruption, injustice, absence of human rights and absence of equality of chances; it is totally legitimate and normal to talk about them. There is no advantage to take this away from Tunisia.
We are not in 1881 nor are we in the second world war … All what we can see today in news: on one hand, the current Tunisian political party is trying to hide the truth; on the other hand, a few apolitical parties who succeeded in being set free from jail are trying to approve in foreigners TVs.
Go and ask ordinary people outside and inside the country and just remove fear from their hearts, before.
Videos, articles, various slogans shouted out in the streets make them very clear and evident the demands of the Tunisian people of today. We are awake.
Yesterday, the Tunisian ambassador in an interview on France 24, blamed what he called ‘people hiding themselves’ who were protesting in the United Kingdom. Of course, here is a confirmation that these people might not go back to Tunisia are of course hiding themselves from a dictatorship– simply because they don’t agree with him. They are political refugees. They would never be accepted in the United Kingdom if they were terrorists, He wanted to evoke terrorism and he compared them with Bin Laden. I would like to remind him that Islam might be his religion– so he would better try to be at least objective towards it, enough with terrorism being evoked each time someone wants to dodge tough questions. You are just acting very ridiculous and no one will respect you. It is really curious to know what kind of human being are you. You have nothing to do with HUMANITY! What a shame!

To add to this the Tunisian police have been hacking into the Facebook accounts of Tunisian citizens.

And to make matters worse:

If you are a Tunisian citizen and are trying to change your password you can this way:
Remove Tunisian government phishing scripts

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Filed under Anarchism, extremism