Theocratical Astro-Turf in Birmingham Brought to You by Huckster Glenn Beck, while the Confederate Flag Falls Flat.



Glenn Beck has a dream…to be the next Martin Luther King… not the “civil rights for social minorities,”MLK… but he wants to be as famous and as remembered as MLK…


…while doing the decidedly un-King thing of fighting to uphold the status quo by fighting the tyrannical oppression of minorities upon the majority. Does that make sense? No? Good, you’re ready for the mind (such as it is) of Glenn Beck.

Five years ago in 2010, Beck had a rally in DC where he rudely plopped his big butt on the Lincoln Memorial on Martin Luther King Day, and claimed he would be the next MLK. He drew a sizable crowd, nowhere nearly as large as the real MLK event back in the day nor as large or powerful as the actual celebration honoring MLK happening across town organized by the DC African American community, nor was it as genuine.

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