Tag Archives: Religious Nuts

Now They Want to Kill The Pill!

(Tip credit-Right Wing Watch)

On the 50th anniversary of the availability of the birth control pill, the “fetus people” are coming to DC to protest and try to intimidate the Planned Parenthood office on 16th st.

Here is their call

WHO: American Life League , Human Life International, Pro-Life Wisconsin, Pharmacists for Life International, Archdiocese of Mobile Respect Life, Operation Rescue, Jill Stanek, Generation Life/Brandi Swindell, Life Education Ministry, Pro-Life Unity, Movement for a Better America, AMEN (Abortion Must End Now), Pro-Life Action of Oregon, Children of God for Life, Expectant Mother Care/Chris Slattery, Mother and Unborn Baby Care, Defenders of the Unborn, California Right to Life Education Fund, Delaware Pro-Life Coalition, Life Guard, Homeschoolers for Life, Focus Pregnancy Center, Central Texas Voices for Life and Dubuque County Right to Life

WHAT: Protest the Pill Day 2010: The Pill Kills the Environment

This year, birth control advocates are celebrating 50 years of decriminalized hormonal contraceptives. American Life League and our co-sponsors don’t think half a century of contaminating our waterways is something to celebrate. Study after study has shown that hormonal estrogen in the water has severely damaged the ecosystem and our health.

WHEN: June 5, 2010, 11 a.m.

WHERE: Planned Parenthood of Greater Washington D.C. 1108 16th Street, NW Washington, DC 20036 (Planned Parenthood is one of the largest distributors of birth control in the country.)

WHY: “The birth control pill is not only killing preborn children and women, it is killing our environment,” said Judie Brown, president of American Life League, “How long will we stand by and ignore the fact that hormonal contraception wreaks havoc on our children, women’s health and the planet?”

For additional information please visit http://www.thepillkills.com

The people behind this festival of the fetus is the nasty little group called “American Life League”
From Right Wing Watch:

American Life League
Founded by Judie and Paul Brown with help from right-wing strategist Paul Weyrich, the American Life League (ALL) is a spin-off from the National Right to Life Committee with a more grassroots orientation.
ALL is closely aligned with the Catholic Church and opposes birth control, stem cell research and euthanasia.
ALL was an enthusiastic backer of the extreme anti-abortion tactics promoted by Operation Rescue.

American Life League
P.O. Box 1350, Stafford, VA 22555
Website: http://www.all.org

Established: 1979
President/Founder: Judie Brown
Finances:: $7,365,884 (2003)
Membership: claims 300,000 members
Formerly known as: American Life Lobby
Board Members: Judie Brown; Scarlett Clark; Mildred F. Jefferson, M.D.; Robert Sassone, Esq.; and Phillippe Schepens, M.D.
Read the latest news on the American Life League on the group’s Right Wing Watch index page
To end all forms of abortion without any exceptions made for the health and life of the mother, rape or incest.
ALL’s work includes campaigns against the use of all contraceptives, lobbying for “abstinence-only education” and the elimination of sex education in public schools.
ALL also fights against euthanasia, fetal tissue and embryo research, and questions the use of vaccines, such as rubella, that are created from human tissue cells.
Brown has strongly criticized President George W. Bush for not supporting the Human Life Amendment and has chastised other conservative groups for giving him any support.
According to Judie Brown, “Abortion is never necessary to save a mother’s life.”
Organizes grassroots activists.
Lobbies on behalf of its issues.
Produces educational materials and publishes a weekly newsletter.
Participates in legal action.
ALL has its own voting mobilization project.
Sells anti-abortion clothing, jewelry, stickers, and brochures.
In 2004, ALL published a full-page advertisement in USA Today urging Catholic priests and bishops to deny Communion to Catholic legislators who support abortion rights.
ALL’s early networking created the foundation for the outspoken anti-abortion movement in the 1980s and the established movement as it exists now.
ALL helped to establish the “rescue” movement, which made the use of aggressive tactics to disrupt reproductive health services commonplace.
These tactics, adopted and popularized by ALL, include “sidewalk counseling,” clinic blockades, and the systematic harassing and intimidation of patients, clinics and doctors.
According to Brown these activities are “free speech” and in 1994 ALL filed charges over the Freedom of Access to Clinics Act (FACE) in American Life League v. Reno.
ALL lost in the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals and the Supreme Court refused to hear the case.
ALL defends anti-choice activists who have been arrested for blocking clinics and has applauded the controversial work of Operation Rescue and Randall Terry.
In 1996 when Bill Bennett and Ralph Reed questioned the GOP’s absolutist anti-abortion plank, Judie Brown gathered together 11 pro-life leaders including Family Research Council’s Gary Bauer and Focus on the Family’s James Dobson to express their strong support of the Human Life Amendment and collective rejection of any exceptions for abortion.
Judie Brown is allegedly a member of the clandestine right-wing organization Council for National Policy.
In 1979, Judie Brown broke from the National Right To Life Committee to form ALL.
Within less than a year of its founding, ALL had 68,000 members.
ALL received virtually free publicity from religious-right leader Paul Weyrich with the help of right-wing direct mail specialist Richard Viguerie’s massive membership lists.

The latest way ALL was “Celebrating Life” was a sign they sponsored and paid for to be distributed at the 9/12 TeaBagger march in DC this past September of 2009.

The sign “Bury Obama Care With Kennedy” Was paid for and distributed by The American Life League which proves the way they believe in “Celebrating Life”.

ALL's Logo at the Bottom of the Tasteless Sign


Filed under Abortion

Faith2FAIL! The Death March Of The Theocrats

A Pathetic Low Turnout For The Faith2Action May Day Pray Day Proves Lack Of Supporters

Through the tough times the country is facing right now, it is very uplifting to see something encouraging for a change.
On May 1, 2010 at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington DC some of the top religionist right wing extremist groups attempted to unite their following under the causes of hatred for gays and Muslims, and we here at L3 are happy to report that this following is quite small.
From the podium to this microscopic group of cult followers there was loud wailing, whining, crying, theatrics and hysterics over gays, Muslims, public schools, the entertainment industry and lots and lots of “Jesus”.
Meanwhile, with the Lincoln Memorial in place as one of the bigger tourist hot spots, the loud obnoxious bellowing from six in the morning to 1 in the afternoon brought a reaction of repulsion from the majority of those trying to vacation.

One of the more disturbing elements of this event was the promotion of a racist hate flick called “Islam Rising”, a “Christian” produced film to demonize the Muslim community.

Homophobia was present in disturbing levels. Peter LaBarbera from his demented 501c3 gay hate group “Americans For Truth” had a presence to very little an audience with a table of ex-gay literature and advertisements for “programs” that promised to “cure gayness.”

Rightwing Watch has a really good account of LaBarbera’s moronic babble:

Among the speakers during this hour was Americans for Truth’s Peter LaBarbera who, predictably, used his five minutes to attack gays, asking God to forgive us for our “excessive tolerance,” lamenting “the long secular road America has traveled from ‘abomination’ to ‘gay’,” and for allowing “homosexual activists […] to fufill their wicked plan of turning America’s schools, public and sometimes private, into homosexuality promotion zones

LaBarabera’s moronic babble and video are posted HERE

Extremist groups who have to use hate, fear and superstitious nonsense to unite their followers border on being cults.

These kind of groups prey on those in pain and with emotional instability to provide an illusion of being a safe catch net, while actually causing deeper harm to our society than any “good.”

Crazies @ The Cross

More photos HERE and HERE


Filed under anti-gay bigotry, extremism, racism

Christian Cult to Host Halloween Bible Burning

When Christians Burn their Own Tripe

When Christians Burn their Own Tripe

We here at the LLL collective are mostly atheists and we find it amusing when religionist groups who usually are attacking us, start eating each other instead.
According to Raw Story a happy little backwood “Children of the Corn” cult
calling it’s self “Amazing Grace Baptist Church in Canton, N.C.” will be burning bibles of other religionist rightwing nutcases such as Dobson, Hinn, Rick Warren and Billy Graham, labeling them as “Statanic works” (lol!)
Because of a quest for religionist purity in rightwing nutcase religionist status? (lol! again)

The sad part is they are also going to burning music, such as gospel which even heathens like us at the LLL thinks is good listening.

The website of this cult has been taken down but we has cache AND we has screenshot!

And according to their site they will be giving away FREE FOOD of BBQ and fried chicken with all the sides!

mmmmmm Right Wing Religionist Fried Chicken ....

mmmmmm Right Wing Religionist Fried Chicken ....


Filed under Uncategorized