Tag Archives: Abortion

What If Randall Terry Threw a Press Conference And Nobody Came?

Randall Terry FAIL!

Randall Terry FAIL!

From Mike Flugannock:
Operation Rescue’s Randall Terry Slinks Into National Press Club
Mike Flugennock
Date Created
22 Jul 2009
More details…
Randall Terry at the National Press Club

Randall Terry at the National Press Club


After a momentous comeback show at the Supreme Court, Randall Terry And His Fabulous Fail Train staged an encore performance at the National Press Club. While claiming to draw inspiration from Martin Luther King, he simultaneously issued dire warnings of “convulsions” and attempted to draw parallels between fetuses and Holocaust Jews, while also taking a moment to mock his fellow Catholics.
Still photography by Isis, via Flickr.

Video by Mike Flugennock: Nobody Here But Us Chickens, streaming out of YouTube, 05mins. 29secs.

The Zenger Room at the Press Club was very nearly empty for this event; I counted a grand total of one — count ’em, one — other journalist there besides ourselves, as well as two cameramen from local TV channels, and a couple of interns from People For The American Way

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Filed under Abortion, Politics

Randall Terry Visits Supreme Court Ahead of Sotomayor Hearings

Randall Terry protests Sotomayor 7/12/09 Photo by Isis

Randall Terry protests Sotomayor 7/12/09 Photo by Isis

From Mike Flugennock:


Like an aging Classic Rock act struggling for a comeback, Randall Terry (late of Operation Rescue), and his FAIL Train Of Fifteen, lurched onto Capitol Hill for a performance at the Supreme Court building. Terry performed no new original material on this tour, preferring instead to count on the appeal of classic hits such as God Hates You, and his fan favorite Praying For Doctors To Die.

In a rare moment of relatively civil discourse, Terry referred to a pro-choice counterprotester as “possessed” and “demonic” while comparing twenty-eight week-old fetuses to Holocaust victims. No new surprises at this show, but if you’re a hardcore Randallhead, you’ll find these shopworn riffs still fit like an old shoe.
From DCIndyMedia

Randall Terry comes to Washington

Washington DC- At 2:30 pm in front of the Supreme Court, controversial gadfly Randall Terry, formerly of extremist anti-abortion group Operation Rescue, is touring with his new venture– “Operation Save America.”
Washington DC is the last stop for his 12 city “Defeat Sotomayor” tour. Terry has already been refused an audience with retired Bishop Edward Cullen, Bishop-elect John Barres and Philadelphia Cardinal Rigali, being met with form letters and secretaries instead of the kind ears he was hoping for.

Randall Terry yells at SCOTUS Building in DC 7/12/09 Photo by Isis

Randall Terry yells at SCOTUS Building in DC 7/12/09 Photo by Isis

His stop in Omaha is where Terry received the most agreeable response thus far– from the office of Nebraska Senator Ben Nelson (D), though again only having contact with a spokesman. Nelson’s office stated that he is “strongly pro-life, has an impeccable record opposing abortion and appreciates the support of major pro-life organizations in Nebraska and nationally.” this was tempered by further material in the statement, stating that Sotomayor “understands the importance of faithfully upholding the Constitution and of not making law from the bench.” Nelson also stated that his vote will be decided only after confirmation hearings and a full review of her record. Targeting people who consider themselves pro-life “but haven’t done enough,” Terry has been unsuccessfully seeking audiences with political leaders to encourage a filibuster of Sotomayor’s nomination, while meeting with religious leaders to deny communion to those who do not filibuster. Terry’s rhetoric has not suffered for salaciousness: “To refuse to filibuster is to bow in abject obedience to the Angel of Death

On Sunday, Terry held a press conference on the steps of the supreme court. His small crowd of 15 carried the standard faire of anti-abortion signs, while a white man wearing an Obama mask and fake blood on his hands paraded around with a poor attempt at a Sotomayor look-alike dressed in a black cloak and carrying a sickle.
Jane Roe(at mic) with Terry and his street theater 7/12/09 Photo by Isis

"Jane Roe"(at mic) with Terry and his street theater 7/12/09 Photo by Isis

Norma McCorvey, AKA Jane Roe was a featured speaker. Roe was present at the first round of confirmation hearings on Monday, being arrested after disrupting remarks by newly elected Democratic Senator Al Franken.

The One Pro-Choice Protester 7/12/09 Photo by Isis

The One Pro-Choice Protester 7/12/09 Photo by Isis

The one counter-protester at the Sunday protest simply held signs saying “Randall Terry doesn’t speak for God,” and “Just say no to theocracy” but was set upon by suspicious police officers who repeatedly asked for her identification. Aside from a lively, face-to-face discussion between her and Terry, there were no other confrontations.
Verbal Confrontation Between Randall Terry And Pro-Choicer 7/12/09 Photo by Isis

Verbal Confrontation Between Randall Terry And Pro-Choicer 7/12/09 Photo by Isis

Terry promised continued demonstrations during the confirmation hearings.

Definition of Domestic Terrorism provided by Pro-Choice Protester 7/12/09 Photo by Isis

Definition of "Domestic Terrorism" provided by Pro-Choice Protester 7/12/09 Photo by Isis

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The Right Wing Responsibility for the Death Of Dr. Tiller

Right-Wing Terrorist Scott Roeder

Right-Wing Terrorist Scott Roeder

A great day for the unborn children scheduled to be murdered by Babykilling Abortionist George Tiller. George Tiller reaped what he sowed and now has been cast alive into everlasting torment and fire for the innocent blood he has shed. Psalm 55:15 Let death seize upon them, and let them go down quick into hell: for wickedness is in their dwellings, and among them.

This quote was posted by a “RevSpitz” under an online article by KSN-TV in the comment section.
His comment has since been scrubbed out, but it’s obvious that RevSpitz is Rev. Donald Spitz of Pro-Life Virginia, (P.O. Box 2876 Chesapeake VA 23327) and happens to be the Webmaster for The Army Of God.

This sick statement was made in relation to the incident of the morning of May 31, 2009, when Dr. George Tiller, the controversial women’s health provider who was known for offering late term abortions, was shot to death in his church in Kansas following years of threats and vandalisms, some as recent as this month.

When Homeland Security issued a report on April 2009, concerning the threat of right wing extremism, the wing-nut talking heads went crazy.

Michelle Malkin: one of the most embarrassingly shoddy pieces of propaganda I’d ever read out of DHS. I couldn’t believe it was real.

Rush Limbaugh: Now, when you read this whole thing, and it doesn’t take long to read it, it’s only nine pages, you can go to various places and read summaries of it as well. For example, there is no proof here, no proof offered, no evidence offered that anything they project is true.

According to a report from Crooks and Liars, Bill O’Reilly says the report was

“unnecessary, cooked up by a bevy of myopic far left liberals freshly ensconced in their DHS offices.”

Interesting side note: O’Reilly was also a vocal critic of the late murdered victim Dr. Tiller:
The Fox News star had compared Tiller to a Nazi, called him a “baby
killer,” and warned of “Judgment Day”

The person allegedly charged in the Tiller murder is Operation Rescue member, tax protester (tea bagger?) and “sovereign citizen” Scott Roeder.

Here is a quote from at the Operation Rescue site, which has also been scrubbed but we found the cache:

Scott Roeder Says:
May 19th, 2007 at 4:34 pm
Bleass everyone for attending and praying in May to bring justice to Tiller and the closing of his death camp.
Sometime soon, would it be feasible to organize as many people as possible to attend Tillers church (inside, not just outside) to have much more of a presence and possibly ask questions of the Pastor, Deacons, Elders and members while there? Doesn’t seem like it would hurt anything but bring more attention to Tiller.

Kansas police also found another link to Operation Rescue in Roeder’s possession a phone number for Cheryl Sullenger, Operation Rescue’s senior policy adviser, who in 1988 was convicted of conspiring to bomb a California abortion clinic. She served two years in prison.

Roeder is described as a 51 year old balding man with a lengthy rap sheet for plotting violence against women’s clinics. From the ADL website:

July 7, Kansas: Scott Roeder is sentenced to sixteen months in state prison for parole violations following a 1996 conviction for having bomb components in his car trunk. Roeder, a sovereign citizen and tax protester, violated his parole by not filing tax returns or providing his social security number to his employer.

It is worthy to note that the genesis of the Sovereign Citizen Movement lies with the racist ideology of Christian Identity minister William P. Gale. Other notable adherents of Christian Identity are the neo-nazi prison gang The Order, Ruby Ridge protagonist Randy Weaver and neo-nazi group Aryan Nations.

Seventeen years ago, Dr. George Tiller also fell victim to bullets fired by Rachelle Ranae “Shelley” Shannon, a pro-life activist from Oregon. Shannon shot Dr. Tiller in both arms outside his woman’s health clinic in Wichita, Kansas on August 19, 1993. She is presently serving time in FCI Dublin and her projected release date is November 7, 2018.

At the time she attacked Tiller, Shannon had been a pro-life activist for five years. During her trial on June 4, 1995, Shannon pled guilty to charges of arson directed at several abortion clinics in Oregon, California, Idaho, and Nevada with indictments by federal grand juries on 30 counts in connection with fires and acid attacks at nine clinics. Charges included arson, interference with commerce by force and interstate travel in aid of racketeering. Even Shannon’s daughter, Angela Shannon, then only 19, was prosecuted for sending a death threat in 1993 to George Woodward, a woman’s health clinic doctor from Milwaukee. Angela was convicted and sentenced to 46 months’ incarceration in 1997.

Shannon’s involvement with the Army of God goes way back. The Army of God website states that Shannon was in charge of organizing the letters from prison of right wing terrorist John Brockhoeft for the online: “The Brockhoeft Report”. HBO documentary “Soldiers in Army of God” Brockhoeft claimed that he was “inspired” by Pat Buchanan’s writings to commit acts of violence. In 1985 John Brockhoeft pled guilty to one count arson in connection with multiple cases. Sentenced to 7 years in prison. Released in 1995.

It has never been a secret that right wing terror is a reality that is threatening this nation.

Yet, this repeated violence and continued threats from the extreme branches of the right wing movement and political groups seems is either ignored and even sometimes slightly praised by the more “mainstream” conservative media and elected conservative ideologues.

The longer we allow party paid off pundits to dictate the compromised safety of those who brave the field of women’s health and access to reproductive freedom the closer we arrive to a society made up of theocratic fascism.


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