Category Archives: Race

Who is Earl P Holt III?


Earl P Holt III

There is a lot of attention on the Council of Conservative Citizens since Charleston mass murderer Dylann Roof’s manifesto claimed them as the inspiration for his violent and racist ideology.

There has been some media attention on Kyle Rogers– who we’ve covered before— with his enthusiastic support for the flag worshipping, neo-confederate group The Virginia Flaggers. We also know that piling all the C of CC blame on Kyle’s shoulders is inaccurate; there are others on the board of the CofCC that deserve focus as well.

One of the heads of the CCofC, Earl P Holt III, slithered from under his rock for this occasion, because while the wolves of the mainstream media were ripping Kyle’s life apart, Earl had been doing nothing but hiding with his thumb up his butt.

He posted this statement on the white nationalist site American Renaissance, which is run by the Bell Curve advocate Jared Taylor.

Holt states: Screen Shot 2015-06-22 at 4.06.08 PM

While Holt claims it is not in the nature of the CofCC members to carry out or promote illegal activities, this doesn’t mean he or his members are good people either, in fact we have found that Holt is a pretty revolting individual. We found his Disqus account which is a 2.0 service one can use to make comments in various comment sections on blogs and media articles. We didn’t have to dig too deep to show what kind of person is running the Council of Conservative Citizens.

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But wait there’s more…

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In this post he talks about wanting to drown black people:
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Then of course this is so charming:

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And now of course we can see how kids like Dylann Roof are influenced:

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Holt is not the only officer in the CofCC we found their 2013 tax forms online and here is the most updated board if directors list we have been able to find for them.


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Filed under extremism, Race, racism

Festival of Hate


The title “European American Heritage Festival” appears so innocent. One would picture snack bars with Belgium waffles, or Fish and Chips, a maypole, maybe a quartet playing Mozart or Bach, but the last thing anyone would picture in their mind would be the Ku Klux Klan. Yes, once again in Pulaski Tennessee, the birth place of the KKK, this event is going to happen on October 25, 2014.
This is not the first year, this event has gone on for many years.
In looking at the sponsorship lineup it reads like a whose who of hate.


Thomas Robb

Thomas Robb

Christian Revival Center– Again, looks pretty innocent, or at least like an ordinary church, but with some digging it is discovered that this “church” is run by a Thomas Robb who is described by the Southern Poverty Law Center as an “Arkansas-based Christian Identity pastor and head of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan” they also go on to state that he was a replacement for David Duke. He also seems to be the organization behind this event.

The Barnes Review and The American Free Press – We are putting these together because they are both rooted with the old and long time white nationalist Willis Carto as well as the Council of Conservative Citizens in the metro DC area.

Voice of Reason Radio Network – a racist podcast radio line up that nobody in the world of anti-racism has ever paid any attention to, hence we could not find any write up about them. We did, however find this write up on it’s orientation from the white nationalist version of wikipedia called “medapedia” there you can read about it’s history of white power drama and all the white nationalist thugs who are tied to it.

The Knights Party – if you click on the link for this sponsor the url says “” and that pretty much sums it up, what more can we say??? If you are really interested in more info the SPLC once again has the information

Canadian Association for Free Speech“CAFE” is the brainchild of Canadian neo-Nazi Paul Fromm, we will go more into Fromm and who and what he is in a future article.

Caste Football – Well we found a Maddow video to describe this one

Heritage Connection– Remember “Prussian Blue,” the nazi-pop group project starring April Gaede’s daughters Lamb and Lynx? Well, it turns out they discovered marijuana and now want nothing to do with the horrible, unhinged racism of their mom. Don’t worry, Heritage Connection is your new Prussian Blue knock-off, right down to the fact that Charity and Shelby Pendergraft are the granddaughters of the aformentioned Thomas Robb. Here’s the SPLC again:

The Pendergraft sisters have not yet received the media attention that the Gaede bunch drew in their heyday, but they claim to have performed at white nationalist events nationwide since they formed Heritage Connection in 2003. They’ve also released two CDs, “Aryan Awakening” and “Standing Our Ground,” and have shared the stage with a guitar-playing Derek Black, best known for his father’s racist Web forum and the brouhaha that followed Derek’s election to the Palm Beach County, Fla., Republican Executive Committee.

Heritage Connection

Heritage Connection

Nationalist Times– The vanity project of American Nationalist Union honcho Don Wassall. He has since folded the ANU into the American Third Position party.

The Political Cesspool– Racist radio show, produced by the equally racist James Edwards.

Stormfront– We don’t need to say much about this one. Suffice to say, if Stormfront is on your sponsor list, there’s no way you can wriggle your way out of accusations that you’re dirty. It was founded by former KKK leader Don Black.

Dr. Tomislav Sunic (author)Tom Sunic is a Croatian neo-nazi and former professor who now makes his living globe trotting and peddling his Fascist ideals at from speaking fees he collects from groups like the Council of Conservative Citizens, KKK, American Freedom Party, The Pacifica Forum (holocaust deniers, not the radio network) and the League of the South. When in the US, he likes to stay at the home of– you guessed it– Thomas Robb.

neo-Nazi Tom Sunic with former KKK leader David Duke

neo-Nazi Tom Sunic with former KKK leader David Duke

Paul Fromm– Acting media contact. We’ll delve further into him in a later article.

Our associate Spe-lunk-ing has more info on the festival


Filed under American 3rd Position, extremism, KKK, Nazis, Race, racism

Congressman Paul Broun Hires White Nationalist Pro-Secessionist as Summer Intern.

Update: Our colleague Spelunker has more information about Marshall Rawson and is continually updating his page. Head there for more analysis.

League of the South pro-white ethno-state secessionist Marshall Rawson at an anti-gay rally in Richmond.

League of the South pro-white ethno-state secessionist Marshall Rawson at an anti-gay rally in Richmond.

The more we dig into the League of the South, the more dirt we come up with. Hot on the heels of Michael Peroutka’s antics with the League of the South, here’s another wanna-be politico who has strong ties with this group.

A recurring figure in our coverage of the League of the South is this man, Marshall Rawson.

Marshall Rawson with known white nationalist and League of the South leader Michael Cushman.

Marshall Rawson with known white nationalist and League of the South leader Michael Cushman.

Marshall Rawson is a member of the League of the South, an extremist, White Nationalist secessionist group out of Alabama. We have written about the League of the South before. Rawson routinely advocates mass vandalism and the defacement of public and private property in the form of a “Secede” stickering campaign, in order to spread their secessionist propaganda.

Rawson talking about his internship in Broun's office

Rawson talking about his internship in Broun’s office

To this end, Rawson apparently landed a job as a summer internship on Capitol Hill (despite not knowing the difference between the words “Capital” and “Capitol”) with controversial Georgia representative Paul Broun, who was labeled one of the most corrupt Congressmen by CREW. Broun and Rawson apparently share a compatible set of values– Broun, of course, is no stranger to secessionist rhetoric: “If ObamaCare passes, that free insurance card that’s in people’s pockets is gonna be as worthless as a Confederate dollar after the War Between The States — the Great War of Yankee Aggression.”

As far as Rawson, well, a picture says a thousand words.

Rawson bragging about using his internship position at the Capitol (notice he spells it "Capital") to have access to deface Federal property.

Rawson bragging about using his internship position at the Capitol (notice he spells it “Capital”) to have access to deface Federal property.

Here is Rawson sharing a pro-secession sticker with League of the South founding member Thomas Woods.
RawsonAndThomasWoods copy

Here is Rawson holding an anti-immigrant, pro-white flyer for an upcoming event.

RawsonRacist copy
Why does Paul Broun have a member of a known white supremacist hate group as an intern? We believe it’s linked to Marshall’s involvement in the Shorter University chapter of Young Americans for Liberty.

Marshall Rawson with Broun's wife Nikki at Ron Paul funded Young Americans for Liberty event.

Marshall Rawson with Broun’s wife Nikki at Ron Paul funded Young Americans for Liberty event.

A curious strategy, targeting members of congress who have expressed views that– to some– appear only as insincere dog whistles for specific demographics, but are instead grooming local representatives to be more receptive to extremist ideology.

Either Paul Broun does not bother with background checks, or he doesn’t care that his interns and staffers may be supporters of a second American Civil War.


Filed under extremism, Nazis, Politics, Race, racism

Fredericksburg Hit with Confederate Rag

The flaggers are being coy with the placement of their new flag, which they privately erected next to the northbound lanes of I-95. They didn’t give the location of the flag because it’s on private property, but they did supply this photograph to the local CBS affiliate, with the hint that it was north of Fredericksburg, VA.


Wow, shooting the road signs from the back is a sure way to obscure the true location of it, right? Not in the internet age, it ain’t.

Well, I had five minutes to kill, so I loaded up Google Maps and took a little stroll up I-95, looking for some signage that resembled what was depicted in the photograph. Sure enough, I found this site, which looked promising.


Let’s take a closer look. Hmm. There’s an overpass here, where the photo was probably taken.


Truslow Road, eh? The property the flag is on doesn’t appear to be Truslow, it’s on this cross street. Beagle Road? What’s down here? It’s probably not the first lot, but what’s going on in the second lot?


Hmm, 8 Beagle Road. That flag looks a little funny. We need to go deeper!


Well, that seals it. And the image is from 2012, so this isn’t someone who was duped by the flaggers into flying their flag. But who lives here, anyway? Let’s ask the public records.


Hubert Wayne Cash, huh? You mean this Hubert Wayne Cash, who professes to be a member of the Sons Of Confederate Veterans?


Whose picture is that in the lower right? Why, Nathan Bedford Forrest, Grand Wizard of the KKK and commander of the Fort Pillow Massacre, of course!


And who are the Sons Of Confederate Veterans, anyway? Rare among contemporary racist organizations, they keep up a decent facade of the “heritage not hate” line, but their membership roster and leadership reads like a who’s-who of the leadership of explicit hate groups like the League Of The South and Council of Conservative Citizens and they decisively expelled any moderate, non-political members in the early 2000s. Now, the Sons Of Confederate Veteran name is poison even to Civil War Reenactors.


Filed under extremism, Politics, Race, racism

Kyle Hunt; Leader of the White Man March RESIGNS!!!



Maybe it was all the attention from the media. Maybe his own white power cult zombies didn’t trust him. Maybe, just maybe it’s because he is a basement dweller in his wealthy parents’ Mashpee, Massachusetts home, and one of his parents might have a prominent career– like … maybe … a doctor? (Hmmmmmm?)

The list of speculations is endless, but what we do know is that Kyle Hunt’s “White Man March” site is gone; it redirects to an even more lame and ineffective site. Hence, the public might be spared from Kyle’s whining hodgepodge of blathering gibberish– but fear not, we found the cache!

This is the END!

This is the END!

Here is the full text of Kyle’s good-bye letter.

We know we are not the first to report on this– David Neiwart wrote this up for the SPLC yesterday.

Does this also mean the end of his radio show: “Renegade”? (how much of a “renegade” can you be if you’re a rich son of a prominent professional?)

Will this be the last we see of this trust-fund Nazi? We’re sure that the twelve people who participated in the “white man march” are crushed.


Filed under extremism, Nazis, Politics, Race, racism, Uncategorized

Ron Doggett’s Easter Egg Surprise?

Ron Dogget's Easter Egg Surprise

Ron Dogget’s Easter Egg Surprise

Over Easter, multiple news outlets reported that plastic Easter eggs with racist, white supremacist messages inside them were found scattered around Henrico county, Virginia. Bearing the messages “diveristy = white genocide” and slogans supporting the abortive “white man march,” these eggs were found by various families during their Easter Egg Hunts.

For the geographically unaware, Henrico county surrounds the state capitol of Richmond. So, we asked ourselves “which white supremacists in the Richmond area are associated with the “white man march?”

Ron Dogget's White Man March

Ron Dogget’s White Man March

A picture says a thousand words, as they say.

But wait, there’s more. Our speculations were confirmed by Doggett himself claiming he was going to do it, and “spread them around central Virginia.

The full thread of Ron's admission, in case Stormfront deletes the thread

The full thread of Ron’s admission, in case Stormfront deletes the thread

Lest you think this is the work of just another creepy, harmless crank, please take extra special care to note that Ron Doggett was (and probably still is) a close personal friend of Frazier Glenn “Rounder” Miller, the Overland Park, Kansas, shooter.

UPDATE!!! Our comrade SPLUNKER has also written a good article on this with even more goodies to share!!! Ron Doggett and Robert Ransdell leave “Pro-White” Easter eggs, children find them, and Brad Griffin calls it a “Good idea”


Filed under extremism, Nazis, Politics, Race, racism

White man march? What men?

how sad...

how sad…

Apparently, there was a thing a few weeks past called the “White Man March.” The plot is the same one we’ve heard over and over and over– “White men! Demonstrate to protect your race from eradication! Diversity is anti-white genocide!” We didn’t write anything about this before it happened because we surmised that it would end up like every other sort of “mass global action” with minimal preparation– in complete failure. We should start playing the lottery, because we sure picked this right.

Kyle Hunt a 30 yr old neck-beard who lives in his rich father's basement.

Kyle Hunt a 30 yr old neck-beard who lives in his rich father’s basement.

Kyle Hunt, the “man” who “organized” the “White Man March” reused a common tactic among people with no base and no capability to organize. That is as follows: quietly release a statement to sympathetic internet communities, promising a “mass day of global action.” The “mass” and “global” parts are key, because they prevent you from having to commit to any attendance figures at a set location– and you can issue a mewling, milquetoast press release after the action claiming “victory” because only five people showed up in three locations in various parts of the world. It doesn’t matter that your messianic hallucinations of throngs in the streets chanting your chants are hopelessly crushed as long as you are able to master the art of self-delusion and convince yourself that you are not a toothless failure. We also knew the “White Man March” was going to be a non-event when we saw the addendum to your initial press release: that attendees should try to blend in with the general public as much as possible, by wearing khakis, nice shirts and sunglasses. Well gosh! Not only are you incapable of committing to attendance numbers or locations, you’re also making it so that you can’t tell march participants apart from the general public.

So, your general strategy was to take a bunch of stock photographs of downtown cityscapes and exclaim “SEE?! LOOK AT ALL THE WHITE PEOPLE WEARING KHAKIS AND SUNGLASSES IN THESE PICTURES! WE HAD OVER NINE THOUSAND MARCHERS IN EVERY CITY!” wasn’t it, Kyle?

We’d be really embarrassed for Kyle and all of his cowardly, sniveling keyboard commandos who latched on to this anemic, empty gesture– if they didn’t already embarrass themselves by being white nationalists. Let’s prolong their shame by displaying a gallery of the “crowds of people” who showed up– and if you can’t tell by now, we’re being sarcastic. Remember, this is what “success” looks like to white nationalists like Brad Griffin and Kyle Hunt.



Filed under extremism, Nazis, Politics, Race, racism

Jamie Corne of Presstorm threatens President Obama in unbelievable racist rant

In our ongoing mission to provide top quality lulz by documenting the downward spiral of horrible people, we revisit future prison inmate Jamie Jo Corne. Chronicle.Su reports:

“I will spit on you, motherfucker.”

“I will spit on you, motherfucker.”

INTERNET — Former convicted street racer, recidivist, and prison escapee Jamie Jo Corne was, until October 2011, a central figure for Anonymous hacktivists as founder and executive editor of Presstorm, progenitor to the controversial YourAnonNews corporation.

Corne leveraged her powerful voice as head of Presstorm to criticize the nascent Occupy movement, a very unpopular opinion among her allies in Anonymous. This coupled with mounting evidence of Corne’s involvement in overtly racist marches and exposure of her criminal past spelled the end to Corne’s days in Anonymous, and Corne’s staff at Presstorm dramatically mutinied as Denial of Service attacks shuttered the site.

In the wake of this traumatic loss of power, Corne caught herself from the fall in an impressive feat of mental gymnastics which inflated her own sense of control when it was at its weakest. By framing her involvement with Anonymous as an “investigation” – 10 Months Into a Deviant Subculture on the Internet – Corne invoked the ever-popular “social engineer” alibi, inventing manipulations and exaggerations beyond those she was already well known for.

In the years since Presstorm, Corne has slipped out of Anonymous regalia and into a redneck guise. After history replayed itself in the recent Anonymous-like falling-out with the Patriot Freedom Network, Corne posted an intensely racist rant which culminated in a cringe-inducing call for farmers to ride their herds into Washington DC and burn all their paper money.

Corne also, unbelievably, seems to have openly called for violent action against President Obama, threatening, (7:30) “This fuckin’ nigger in the office from Kenya has GOT TO GO! . . . Niggers are traitors against the American People! You wanna be a nigger? Fine be a nigger, but you’ll get a bullet in your fuckin’ head for doin’ so.”

In the direct aftermath of Corne’s permanent ban from Patriot Freedom Network, Corne also stated that she has only one year left to live due to terminal metastatic brain cancer. Is this cancer yet another manipulative ruse inspired by butthurt, like her so-called Anonymous Investigation? If Corne is truly on death’s door, this racist message hinting at presidential assassination only seems all the more terrifying.



Filed under extremism, Immigration, Politics, Race, racism, Tea Parties

Meet The Oregon Chapter of American Freedom Party!

When you hit a home run, you really hit a home run. Case in point: our comrades from Portland who have crafted a devastating rogues gallery of the key players in the Oregon chapter of the “American Freedom Party.” In part one, they detail the history of the American Freedom Party and the roots of “third position” political parties.  If you’re coming into this situation cold, this is an essential read.

In part two of their series, they put names to faces. We are happy to re-post the entirety of their article here.

Meet the Oregon Chapter of American Freedom Party: Part Two

Tyler Cole “protesting the racist media” on the corner of SE McLoughlin Blvd and SE Concord Rd, Milwaukie, OR.

Tyler Cole “protesting the racist media” on the corner of SE McLoughlin Blvd and SE Concord Rd, Milwaukie, OR.

Tyler Billington Cole Stormfront handle: “Tribalthinking”, maintains the SoCal Freedom 14 group
Last Known Address:  498 N 12th St Saint Helens, OR 97051-1318
Phone: 503-366-4432Cole is the lead organizer for Oregon’s chapter of the American Freedom Party. The former Golden State Party chairperson has been involved in Third Position movement building since at least 2009. He and his wife Laura Cole (neé Bailey) moved to Portland in late June of 2012 from Mission Viejo, California. Rose City Antifascists welcome any tips about his current employment, if he is in fact employed outside of his White Nationalist organizing.
Devin Chapman at the “protest against racist media” in Milwaukie, OR

Devin Chapman at the “protest against racist media” in Milwaukie, OR

Devin T. ChapmanStormfront handle: “WhitePride94”
Last Known Address: 484 N 12th St Saint Helens, OR 97051
Phone number: 503-369-4915Chapman is pictured in a number of the protests and appears on the Free Oregon site as a representative of the party. Chapman is listed as the contact person on the website for the Oregon chapter of Free America Rally, and is involved with Council of Conservative Citizens, a paleoconservative white nationalist political organization.The 26 year old man attempted to attend the latest David Irving event in Portland with Tyler Cole before it was shut down by RCA and antifascist allies. Chapman’s last known address is literally 3 doors down from Tyler and Laura Cole.Rose City Antifascists wish to distinguish this Devin Chapman from the famous local Barista Champion by the same name. Rose City Antifascists welcome information about Devin Chapman the fascist, particularly any information about his current employment.

Laura Cole and her son at Golden Dawn memorial event

Laura Cole and her son at Golden Dawn memorial event

Laura Cole (neé Bailey)  Last Known Address: 498 N 12th St Saint Helens, OR 97051-1318
Phone Number: 503-366-4432
Work Address: Columbia Community Mental Health (Cornerstone Housing Program) 271 Columbia Blvd. St Helens, OR 97051
Work Phone Number: 503-397-0391Cole is an active proponent of white nationalism along side her husband, Tyler. The couple is often seen together at demonstrations with their young child, attempting to present a family-friendly face to their fascist organization. Laura is featured in many of the propaganda videos for AFP. Disturbingly, this ardent white supremacist is a marriage and family therapist working in the St. Helens area. We believe that Laura Cole should not be working in this capacity both for the sake of people of color, queer people, or Jewish people that may inadvertently end up with a white supremacist counselor, and because she is providing the primary source of income supplying Oregon AFP’s leadership. Depriving her of this job will be a major blow to AFP’s ability to organize
From left to right: Kelly Conrady, Rebecca Hughes (Barrett), and Laura Cole (Bailey)

From left to right: Kelly Conrady, Rebecca Hughes (Barrett), and Laura Cole (Bailey)

Rebecca Hughes (Barrett)Rebecca–who uses the last names “Hughes” and “Barrett”– took the lead in the AFP invasion of the anti-war demonstration in Portland on September 9th 2013 . It is unclear what the purpose of that effort was. It is not unprecedented in Portland for liberal left movements to embrace, or at least turn a blind eye to, the antisemitic or racist politics of people attending their protests. For example Tim Calvert, who we wrote about here and Dave Westerlund, who we mentioned here have both enjoyed support from the Portland left. While it is possible that AFP was hoping to pick up some racist liberals, a much more likely scenario was that AFP’s attendance at the anti-war demonstration was simply an attempt to add to their propaganda of being persecuted as white people. AFP emphasized how “intolerant” the liberals were in their reports of the event.Rebecca is a follower of Christian Identity, a belief system which posits white people as the true inheritors of the word of God. Hughes represents a group called the Nationalist Movement, which is a Mississippi-based Christian Identity political formation.We are interested in any information about Rebecca. We suspect that her real last name is “Hughes”, while “Barrett” is a pseudonym referring to the white supremacist founder of the Nationalist Movement, Richard Barrett. We believe Rebecca moved to Portland from Williamsburg, VA. She is listed as a “biology/chemistry student” on her profile. She may be a student at Portland State University in a program related to those subjects. She may be living in the St. John’s area. In late 2013, was hacked, defaced and shut down by Anonymous as part of #OpAntifa, but not before these photos of Rebecca surfaced:
Kyle Brewster (right) sneering at Free America Rally on February 23, 2013

Kyle Brewster (right) sneering at Free America Rally on February 23, 2013

Kyle BrewsterBrewster was one of the three members of East Side White Pride and White Aryan Resistance who murdered Ethiopian immigrant Mulugeta Seraw in Portland on November 13, 1988. Seraw was beaten with a baseball bat and left in a pool of his own blood. He died early the next morning. According to another one of the murderers, Ken “Death” Mieske (now deceased), they murdered Seraw “because of his race”.Brewster was convicted of manslaughter and was sentenced to fifteen years in prison. He was released in November, 2002 and was scheduled to complete his parole in 2008. He violated his parole in 2006 by associating with the white power gang, Volksfront. We have written extensively about Volksfront. Volksfront members have numerous acts of racist violence under their belts, including their 2003 murder of a homeless man in Tacoma, Washington.Brewster was re-released from prison on December 18, 2007 but he was re-arrested within hours on an assault charge related to an attack on a guard during his latest prison stay.
Jimmy Marr is pictured here playing the bagpipes at the Red October event in Portland on October 12, 2013

Jimmy Marr is pictured here playing the bagpipes at the Red October event in Portland on October 12, 2013

Jimmy Marr
Marr is a long time member of the National Socialist Movement (NSM). In 2009 Marr represented the NSM at the Pacifica Forum, an antisemitic discussion group in Eugene, OR. Marr’s event titled “The National Socialist Movement: An Inside View of America’s Far Right” served as a recruiting opportunity for the NSM, complete with Nazi saluting and seig heiling. In particular Marr focused on his hatred for Jews and his view that immigration is diluting the white gene pool in the United States. During the question and answer period Marr made this clear, “You’re goddamn right I object to Jews! They’re traitors!” Marr also described Martin Luther King, Jr. as a “moral leper and communist dupe”.Marr recently was the keynote speaker at a rally for the white supremacists colonizing Leith, North Dakota. Marr appears to be the main mover and shaker behind the banner drops that AFP has engaged in locally. Marr made both the  “Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white” banner that was dropped in Eugene on September 2nd 2013 and the “Diversity is a code word for white genocide” banner used in Portland on December 12th 2013.
Shawn Saunders (center) with yellow “Don’t Tread on Me” flag

Shawn Saunders (center) with yellow “Don’t Tread on Me” flag

Left to right: Jojo Brittain, Christian Coats, Shawn Saunders

Left to right: Jojo Brittain, Christian Coats, Shawn Saunders

Shawn Michael Saunders
aka Sean Saunders (legal spelling above, the alternate is used as an alias)Saunders appears in a large number of the photos of AFP and FAR gatherings. He hangs out with violent white supremacists such as Christian Coats of the Stumptown Bootboys, who we mentioned previously here. Saunders himself has mostly stuck to petty theft and drug related crimes, including a 2009 robbery charge he served time for.  His affiliations with both the AFP and the Stumptown Bootboys bonehead crew are concerning. Rose City Antifascists would appreciate more information about his white supremacist activity and affiliations.
Jascha Manny (left) at "Project Unite Red October" event Portland, OR October 12th 2013

Jascha Manny (left) at “Project Unite Red October” event Portland, OR October 12th 2013

Jascha Manny of Washington unmasked

Jascha Manny of Washington unmasked

Jascha MannyStormfront handle: 1pariah
Youtube: 2aberrantJascha Manny, a resident of the Kent/Renton Washington area, traveled to Portland’s FAR event October 12th, 2013 when he could not amass enough Washington white supremacists to play with him closer to home. He and three other white nationalists recently staged a protest in Seattle at an immigration rights rally. Manny boasts in videos that he is the leader of the Washington White Citizen Support group. He is reportedly working on an Associate’s degree and has expressed interest in starting a White Student Union at his college. Manny appears to be the mouthpiece for the Seattle area Free America Rally.
These two men are regulars at Oregon AFP events we have not yet identified. If you have any information about them, please contact us.

These two men are regulars at Oregon AFP events we have not yet identified. If you have any information about them, please contact us.

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Filed under extremism, Nazis, Politics, Race, racism, Uncategorized

Photo of the Year!

Daryle Lamont Jenkins, spokesman for the anti-racist One People s Project, yells at a KKK supporter during a 2006 rally the Klan held at Gettysburg National Military Park

Daryle Lamont Jenkins, spokesman for the anti-racist One People s Project, yells at a KKK supporter during a 2006 rally the Klan held at Gettysburg National Military Park


Filed under Nazis, Race, Uncategorized