Jamie CRACKED Corne and Her 4-H Revolution Project

A big thanks to our friends over at the Chronicle.su for informing the public on the latest activities and declining sanity of the wannabe alternative media manipulator Jamie Jo Corne.

A few years ago they wrote an excellent article about her sordid past, we then  tagged teamed with them and wrote up on her attempts to use Anonymous to promote her racist populist ideals.

Altogether, this sent crazy Jamie Jo Corne packing and evicted from Anonymous and the Occupy movement.

She then flipped and showed her true colors as a birther-Islamophobe-Tea bagger  on various political forums under the alias “Twisted Gypsy”.


Simple forum posting isn’t enough for a narcissist– Jamie had to impose herself again into a new movement and she seems to have found a home with a small fringe group of  populist patriot truckers. She has PLANS and a CAPS LOCK KEY and she’s NOT AFRAID TO USE THEM!

We found this recent post on her dismal Presstorm Facebook page and it looks like her crazy has hit a whole new level:


Livestock in the streets of DC? Really? And then GMO seeds… and then more livestock? Oh, and there will be horses to deliver her “articles of associations”, and then more livestock and seeds! And burning things, she wants to build bonfires of Social Security cards and US currency right on Penn Ave. In the mist of all this she wants to host a BBQ and a “potluck.” At least we know what will happen to the livestock…

If she doesn’t get her temper tantrum “demands”  she is going to stamp her feet and pound her fists and MAGICALLY all the ports in the US are going to close and truckers will block all major arteries of the beltway (what again? LOL!) and then there will be MORE livestock and seeds flooding the streets and her horsemen will bring in the APOCALYPSE from her GREAT WRATH!

One has to wonder why these recent vanguardist attention whores of late like as Jamie Jo Corne and Adam Kokesh have been inflicting themselves on the public. If you observe them, both Corne and Kokesh use very similar rhetoric.  Both want to instigate people into committing grossly illegal activity in Washington DC and right into the hands of the FBI– who has their headquarters is smack-dab in the center of their planned antics. The knee jerk reaction explanation would be that we are looking at paid provocateurs, and this is quite possible and should not be discounted.  Another explanation is that we are witnessing a growing problem of mental illness in our country that is obviously not being addressed properly aside from throwing dodgy drugs at those in need of mental healthcare. Corne and Kokesh suffer from mental  illnesses and it appears to be approaching a dangerous level for them both.

Another element in this picture is the contemporary conspiracy drug culture which fosters idiotic and paranoid perceptions of reality within a small and loud fringe population, of which Kokesh and most likely Corne are a part of.

Whatever the explanation for this lunacy of self appointed violent, self absorbed “revolutionaries,” most of us can agree they are a bad joke. We can all hope that nobody will get harmed should they attempt to take their dreams of glory to the level of going postal.


Filed under "tea Party", extremism, Tea Parties, Uncategorized

4 responses to “Jamie CRACKED Corne and Her 4-H Revolution Project

  1. These people are busy doing a bunch of nothing.

    • Thelibertylamp

      Hey Ty!

      Yeah, she is but she really pissed a lot of people off. This is sort of an act of revenge for some of the bullshit she has pulled.

      And it goes way deeper than these articles, like large amounts of fundraising $’s missing from movements she ingratiated herself into, lying to people, causing a lot of drama.

      This is sweet revenge for a lot of people who have been burned by her.