Daily Archives: April 18, 2010

LA Beat Down The Nazis!

Photos by Marcus on LA IndyMedia

Short report on the Downtown Anti-Nazi protest
by A Saturday, Apr. 17, 2010 at 8:20 PM

From the LA IndyMedia

LOS ANGELES, April 17, 2010 – Neo-Nazi groups staged a demonstration today on the steps of City Hall. About 25 Nazis in full uniform and with Swastika flags marched to City Hall under the escort of hundreds of police. Police created a wide buffer zone between the Nazi rally and a large crowd of counter protesters estimated at around 500 people.
And so the scene of the LAPD protecting 25 Nazis from an outraged crowd of hundreds played out in front of Los Angeles City Hall this Saturday afternoon. Several hundred police in full tactical riot gear were deployed to the scene complete with their full arsenal of so called less lethal weapons. Weapons pointed not at the Nazis but at the citizens of Los Angeles outraged at the staging of a Nazi rally at their city hall.

There are conflicting reports of at least two incidents where suspected Nazis were beaten by some members of the counter demonstration. There are reports of the beating of a shirtless man displaying swastika tattoos. And another incident where police intervened to extract a second man from the crowd it is unclear if the second man was indeed a part of the Nazi group.

Both men are believed to have escaped with minor injuries. There are also reports of some injuries sustained by counter protesters incurred from police blows during the LAPD intervention to extract the two men.

More details on One Peoples Project

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Filed under Nazis

The KKK is A Boer-ing Fail In DC!

Promised white supremacist rally turns into embarrassing failure. Again.

Inner Fighting and Egos Imploded Rally Plans In Front of South African Embassy

It all started as a post on the neo-Nazi forum Stormfront, when a KKK group decided to announce that they were going to have a BIG RALLY for recently murdered South African neo-Nazi Eugene Terre-Blachne Stormfront, but never bothered to organize it first.

When it became apparent the local DC/Fed law enforcement didn’t want to bother processing the paperwork for their permit, the KKK boneheads decided to scape goat a Stormfront poster called “MoJo” as an excuse to cancel the rally 12 hours before the rally was supposed to take place.

Inner fighting amongst the racist movement is the best Antifa/ARA action of all.

But, that didn’t stop “Mojo” (real name is Roger) who drove up from south Florida to attend the event to join just two others, Chris from MD who we believe is “WideEyedWhite” as a poster on Stormfront and long time veteran of the racist movement “Ron Doggett” who posts on all the forums as his real name.

This is the BIG KKK Rally turn out in DC!

About 12 people in opposition showed up, including Daryle Lamont Jenkins from the anti-racist organization One Peoples Project, who has an extensive article including video HERE

The inner fighting and lack of organization in the White Nationalist Movement is the best Antifa/Anti-Racist Action there is!

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Filed under KKK, Race