Monthly Archives: July 2009

The TeaBaggers Are Coming!

From Mike Flugennock:

The Teabaggers Are Coming

The Teabaggers Are Comming

The Teabaggers Are Coming!

The recent Teabaggers’ Shindig over at Senate Park has certainly left me inspired, to say the least.
Never did I hear a gang of astroturfers yell more loudly about not being astroturfers even as they were funded by PACs run by characters like Tom DeLay and (snurf, giggle) Dick Armey, and never did I hear more yelling from a group about how they aren’t about Left or Right, even while they never missed an opportunity to slag on the Left — or even on ordinary Liberals, for that matter — as the lot it was my fortune to cover this past Fourth Of July.

What got me even more was their total ignorance of the causes and
effects of events that happened before January 20, 2009 — forgetting,
for instance, that the current corporate bailout fiasco was pushed by
George W. Bush in the waning weeks of his regime. Listening to the howls
from the stage and checking out the composition of the crowd, it was as
if the single reaction from the Teabagger Massmind boiled down to “OMFG, the President is a N1GG3R!” — like the old-timer in Mel Brooks’ Blazing Saddles, hollering from the top of the church steeple, “Here comes the new sherriff, and he’s a big…” …and it sure as hell didn’t help any
as their event was organized and staged by members of a well-known White Power band, Pokerface.

So, considering all this, I thought to myself, “Self, it’s time you did
a poster that announces the imminent arrival of the National Teabaggers’
Convention coming to town on the 12th of September, and maybe inspire
some of the local anarchists and antifascists to organize a little welcoming committee.” So, I did.

Mike’s cartoon can be printed out as posters or flyers for all to enjoy!

JPEG Version
11×17 “>PDF Version


Filed under Politics, Race, racism, Tea Parties

The New Hal Turner Mash-up!

Mike Flugennock has done it again!

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Ken Meyercord’s Journey to Irrelevancy

Reston Says NO to Nazis

Reston Says NO to Nazis

Reston VA- July 12, 2009
The controversial Reston Civic Assoc candidate, Ken Meyercord, attempt to hold public office came to an abrupt and decisive end on the weekend of July 11 and 12, losing his bid for the Reston Civic Association to a write-in candidate. Voter turnout was high, with election officials being forced to photocopy more ballots to cope with increased demand. Meyercord only received 23 votes— .01% of the 1180 votes cast. Conciously concealing his holocaust revisionism from the Reston Citizens Association voter guide, he instead focused on his ardent support of the far more obscure “Zero Growth” philosophy of the xenophobic founder of NumbersUSA, John Tanton.

Ken Meyercord Loses Reston Civic Assoc Election

Ken Meyercord Loses Reston Civic Assoc Election

Meyercord’s third-position views, though seemingly more in line with conservative thinking, were pushed on the leftist community with great zeal. In a marked contrast to recent examples of mainstream conservative groups openly utilizing the support of anti-semites, Meyercord was shunned and ostracized by the majority of leftist groups. It is worthy to note that the left’s shunning of Meyercord occurred in spite of a trend amongst leftist media organizations to refuse to run stories exposing Meyercord’s true agenda. One of the few leftist media organizations was One People’s Project who reported on him in March of 2007.

Meyercord’s journey to irrelevancy within the broader leftist movement began in 2005, when members of a Washington, DC anti-war group shunned him after he attempted to introduce holocaust denial as a legitimate debate topic for said group. Meyercord’s tactic was to suggest that holocaust revisionism was an effective and useful tactic of expressing opposition to the illegal invasion and occupation of Iraq. His efforts were for naught, as this pathetic facade was easily peirced and he was subsequently no longer being invited to contribute to any more meetings.

His desire to mutate the anti-war movement rebuffed, he re-directed his efforts online, spamming multiple Independent Media Centers with posts about “Why Your Organization Should Host a Holocaust Debate.” Still weakly trying to mask this overtly anti-semitic gesture as “anti-war,” he claimed that “poking holes in the holocaust story is a poke in the eye of the warmongers.” He went on to laud Iran’s “courage” for holding its widely-derided Holocaust Revisionism conference.

Meyercord also annoyed many DC area anti-war listservs with rambling about the “massive domestic spy network” controlled by the Anti Defamation League, and a withering barrage of requests to watch his cable-access TV show.
Meyercord’s desperate pleas for attention still going unheard, he revived his tired old lines from 2006 and rehashed them into a new screed– “(Holo-)History Is Bunk” Most recently, Meyercord is author of a peice about the Iraqi gassing of the town of Halabja which “suspect[s] what happened is that both sides were using poison gas, the wind shifted, and the gas from one or the other combatant – or both – wafted over the doomed town.” Meyercord then attempts to conflate this interpretation of events with his revisonist stance on the Holocaust, calling historically proven accounts of both as “outlandish tales” and the work of “imaginative individuals.” Of course, Meyercord is wrong again about Halabja; Saddam Hussein took responsibility for this during his 2006 trial.

By far, the only success Meyercord has had in any venue were his
weekly peace walks, where he
attracted interested people who had not heard of him or his ridiculous

Meyercord’s latest act of running for the Reston Citizens Association seems to be less of a serious act of a man trying to change the world and more of a desperate plea for attention.

Unfortunately for Meyercord, he now has all the attention in the world.

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Filed under Immigration, Politics, Race, racism

Randall Terry Visits Supreme Court Ahead of Sotomayor Hearings

Randall Terry protests Sotomayor 7/12/09 Photo by Isis

Randall Terry protests Sotomayor 7/12/09 Photo by Isis

From Mike Flugennock:


Like an aging Classic Rock act struggling for a comeback, Randall Terry (late of Operation Rescue), and his FAIL Train Of Fifteen, lurched onto Capitol Hill for a performance at the Supreme Court building. Terry performed no new original material on this tour, preferring instead to count on the appeal of classic hits such as God Hates You, and his fan favorite Praying For Doctors To Die.

In a rare moment of relatively civil discourse, Terry referred to a pro-choice counterprotester as “possessed” and “demonic” while comparing twenty-eight week-old fetuses to Holocaust victims. No new surprises at this show, but if you’re a hardcore Randallhead, you’ll find these shopworn riffs still fit like an old shoe.
From DCIndyMedia

Randall Terry comes to Washington

Washington DC- At 2:30 pm in front of the Supreme Court, controversial gadfly Randall Terry, formerly of extremist anti-abortion group Operation Rescue, is touring with his new venture– “Operation Save America.”
Washington DC is the last stop for his 12 city “Defeat Sotomayor” tour. Terry has already been refused an audience with retired Bishop Edward Cullen, Bishop-elect John Barres and Philadelphia Cardinal Rigali, being met with form letters and secretaries instead of the kind ears he was hoping for.

Randall Terry yells at SCOTUS Building in DC 7/12/09 Photo by Isis

Randall Terry yells at SCOTUS Building in DC 7/12/09 Photo by Isis

His stop in Omaha is where Terry received the most agreeable response thus far– from the office of Nebraska Senator Ben Nelson (D), though again only having contact with a spokesman. Nelson’s office stated that he is “strongly pro-life, has an impeccable record opposing abortion and appreciates the support of major pro-life organizations in Nebraska and nationally.” this was tempered by further material in the statement, stating that Sotomayor “understands the importance of faithfully upholding the Constitution and of not making law from the bench.” Nelson also stated that his vote will be decided only after confirmation hearings and a full review of her record. Targeting people who consider themselves pro-life “but haven’t done enough,” Terry has been unsuccessfully seeking audiences with political leaders to encourage a filibuster of Sotomayor’s nomination, while meeting with religious leaders to deny communion to those who do not filibuster. Terry’s rhetoric has not suffered for salaciousness: “To refuse to filibuster is to bow in abject obedience to the Angel of Death

On Sunday, Terry held a press conference on the steps of the supreme court. His small crowd of 15 carried the standard faire of anti-abortion signs, while a white man wearing an Obama mask and fake blood on his hands paraded around with a poor attempt at a Sotomayor look-alike dressed in a black cloak and carrying a sickle.
Jane Roe(at mic) with Terry and his street theater 7/12/09 Photo by Isis

"Jane Roe"(at mic) with Terry and his street theater 7/12/09 Photo by Isis

Norma McCorvey, AKA Jane Roe was a featured speaker. Roe was present at the first round of confirmation hearings on Monday, being arrested after disrupting remarks by newly elected Democratic Senator Al Franken.

The One Pro-Choice Protester 7/12/09 Photo by Isis

The One Pro-Choice Protester 7/12/09 Photo by Isis

The one counter-protester at the Sunday protest simply held signs saying “Randall Terry doesn’t speak for God,” and “Just say no to theocracy” but was set upon by suspicious police officers who repeatedly asked for her identification. Aside from a lively, face-to-face discussion between her and Terry, there were no other confrontations.
Verbal Confrontation Between Randall Terry And Pro-Choicer 7/12/09 Photo by Isis

Verbal Confrontation Between Randall Terry And Pro-Choicer 7/12/09 Photo by Isis

Terry promised continued demonstrations during the confirmation hearings.

Definition of Domestic Terrorism provided by Pro-Choice Protester 7/12/09 Photo by Isis

Definition of "Domestic Terrorism" provided by Pro-Choice Protester 7/12/09 Photo by Isis

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The K St Tea Party

K St Tea Party

K St Tea Party

It’s official the next “Tea Party” on September !2 is going to be the
“FreedomWorks Taxpayer March on Washington”

Ahhhhhh a nice tea on the astro turf …

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New Archives Page

Just to let eveyone know there is a new Archives Page you can find up at the top of the site.

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Marcus Epstein’s Case Dismissed!

(PHOTO:Marcus Epstein with friend and fellow “racialist activist” Jared Taylor the founder and head of the hate group “American Renaissance”)

Washington DC- At about 10 am on July 8th, in the District of Columbia Superior Court, Judge Anderson dismissed the case against Marcus Epstein, who had pled guilty to a class 6 felony hate crime; the prosecutor declined to continue sentencing.

It was determined that Epstein, head of Pat Buchanan’s American Cause and executive director of Tom Tancredo’s Team America, had completed his sentence.

If you’re not familiar with the case, Epstein was arrested in 2007 for striking an African American woman in the head while shouting out the N-word during a drinking spree in Georgetown DC . He first ran from the woman’s husband when he tried to apprehend him, he then ran from and was ultimately apprehended by an off-duty Secret Service officer.

He originally pled not guilty, but as the prosecution presented evidence to increase the charge to a class six felony, he issued an Alford plea, which is a guilty plea without admitting guilt. He did this because, as he scribbled on his paperwork, he felt the state had enough evidence to prove him guilty. Conditions of his conviction and sentencing were: he had to seek therapy for mental illness, go to substance abuse rehab, write a letter of apology to his victim and –the best part– “donate $1000 to the United Negro College Fund”.

It is obvious Epstein has a history of anger problems. We are mindful of the old adage– first time is an accident, second
time is a coincidence and third time is a pattern,” so while we cannot
definitively say that Epstein is exhibiting a pattern of behavior, we
can question if someone with two similar charges on his record is more
likely to commit a similar act again.

Proof of this assessment lays in the fact that this is not the first time Epstein found himself in trouble with the law at the bottom of a bottle of booze and exhibiting abusive behavior.

Epstein had similar legal problems only a few years before this incident.

He then slapped down a female store clerk when she tried to stop him. He ran away and barged into a sorority house as he tried to elude police. He was found by the police in the Sorority house’s women’s bathroom eating the cookies to dispose of the evidence .

As a first-time offender, Epstein faced 14 days of jail time and was ordered to complete an alcohol treatment program and do community service for MADD which involved delivering MADD ribbons to car dealerships .

This incident is remarkable in its similarity to his most recent clash with the law. After drinking heavily and becoming violent with a woman, yet only this time he took it to the next level and his racialist based political views came shining through and he called out racial epithets, then again ran to elude police.
Again, he was ordered to undergo alcohol treatment and faced no jail time, despite his charge being upgraded to a class 6 felony.

Epstein dodged administrative sanction for his antics while he was at William and Mary, and he dodged jail this time, probably because of his willingness to seek alcohol treatment and he is a person with political connections and privilege

If there is a next time, we are hoping the judge will notice that rehab has not been an effective form of treatment for Epstein, as we speculate his problems run deeper than substance abuse issues.
Epstein might have dodged the bullet again, but because he failed to disclose this felony when he applied for the University of Virginia Law School, they cancelled his application.
This is reinforced by the fact that persons with felons will not be admitted to their state’s bar associations in the first place.

Epstein still apparently enjoys his positions as head of Pat Buchanan’s American Cause and of Bay buchanan’s Team America PACs.

*Marcus Epstein’s 2004 court docs:


Filed under Immigration, Politics, Race, racism

Ladies And Gentlemen: The Future Of The Republican Party


Our good friend Mike Flugennock is a well known political cartoonist and videographer in the Washington DC area. His work has been on the DC scene for decades and has been featured in the Washington Post.
Not only is he known for his tremendous art talent and creativity, but his biting wit and unapologetic crass humor is a main stay shaker upper in the world of activist movements.

Because of his controversial work Mike is never short of hate mail.
Usually coming from all sides of the political spectrum, Mike has always had a gift of pissing all kinds of people off.
The hate mail is usually standard, with the common theme of claiming Mike doesn’t understand the issue-politician-political movement who has fallen under his attack.
He then gets called a “Nazi” or a “Commie” depending on who is initiating the hate mail.

But his latest bit of hate mail is probably one of the more amusing to come through his inbox in a long time. It is a reaction to his latest critical video of the right-wing “Tea Party” Nationalist movement that is featured on this blog along with our own article about the “Tea Party”.

Instead of trying to explain it, Mike has given us permission to post it for everyone’s amusement.

Here it is brought to you by “I Was A Teenage Republican” sent via CrackBerry, no less:

Subject: Your Work
Date: Wed, 8 Jul 2009 07:57:13 +0000
To: flugennock

I just recently watched your video on your video from the tea party on
the fourth of of july. After viewing I can say with absolute certainty
say that your are an idiot, a communist, a NAZI and a general PUSSY. Not
only are uneducated to the point where you couldn’t even attack the
speakers rationally you dared compare pro American chants to those of
wait are you again of yes Nazis. You are wanted in this county by no one
you little dick bastard.
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

But, wait, there’s more…

It appears that Mike’s latest “fan” and great master of the English language is not only from the Maryland State TAR’s (Teenage Republicans) …*drum roll* …’s … our boy! –># Rory McShane, State Chairman of MDTARS! (appointed due to his superb command of language and Sarah Palin style spoiled tantrums, no doubt)

Maybe, this would be a good time for the Maryland Republican party state leadership to have a nice chat with little “Rory” about what to use and not use state party e-mail accounts for?

A lesson to Rory about those “family values” manners and etiquette the Republican party claims to have?

Good luck to you, Rory, hope this post has proved a good education of how not to be a reactionary chucklehead, as it will always come back to bite you.

UPDATE!!! It looks like we have had a visit from little Rory:

Rory McShane
Submitted on 2009/07/09 at 8:55am
Thank you very much for making this public! I hope everyone sees your hate! I’ve posted this link on twitter and facebook 100% of my response has been positive

Well it looks like we have free advertising from the 2.0 kiddie club!

If the Republican leadership has no issue with this kind of behavior then MD will be staying blue for a very long time!



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Controversial Patriot-Militia Rock Band Headlines Tea Party Event In Nation’s Capital

Poker Face

Washington DC-Approximately 1000 people gathered in Upper Senate Park for the first Independence Day for the Obama presidency to protest what they are claiming as government corruption and wasteful spending. A good portion of the crowd were local from the MD-VA area, but almost half were from out of town, with Texas, Florida and South Carolina fielding sizable contingents.

Branded as a Tea Party, they listened to speakers extolling the virtues of free market economics and an elimination of all taxation. Frequent targets of criticism included Obama’s proposed health care reforms, Obama’s new tax plans and a decline in national morals (aka “Christian Values”), all spurred by what they see as “growing socialism.”
misspelled sign
The crowd, which was about 99% white and over half over the age of fifty, cheered loudest for rhetoric that complained the current administration had “socialist tendencies”.

One speaker, Tito Munoz, originally from Colombia, stated that he “had seen these kinds of things before in latin America,” equating the current american political landscape with that of Venezuela just after the rise to power of Hugo Chavez. Rhetoric that targeted republicans as well as democrats did not fare as well as rhetoric that solely targeted democrats.

Sitting at a table drapped with a flag showing a picture of an M16 assault rifle bearing the quote “Come And Take It” and littered with Ron Paul literature and tin foil hat conspiracist Alex Jones schwag, was event coordinator northern Virginia insurance agent: Lisa Miller.

Miller, who also serves as treasurer for the local Alexandria, VA GOP committee, though, despite her affiliation with more moderate and mainstream Republican politics Miller’s ties with more “right wing populist” politics are apparent with her membership to the Republican Liberty Caucus, a more radical John Birch Society/Ayn Rand branch of the conservative mainstream.
Scheduled on the speaker list was included Michael Johns – National Tea Party leader, former White House speechwriter and Heritage Foundation policy analyst, Andrew Langer – Institute For Liberty, Michelle Minton – Competitive Enterprise Institute, Kevin McCullough Nationally Syndicated Talk Show Host/Columnist, Best-Selling Author, FoxNews/Townhall Contributor, Andrew Moylan – National Taxpayer’s Union, Leslie Carbone – Author of “Slaying Leviathan, The Moral Case for Tax Reform, Brenden Steinhauser – FreedomWorks, Ned Ryun – American Majority, Patrick Beck – Chairman, March For Liberty Coalition, Adam Bitely – Americans for Limited Government

Yet, the most notable and questionable presence was that of controversial patriot/militia rock band Pokerface. Described by the ADL as an “anti-government, anti-immigrant, conspiracy-promoting rock music band, helmed by “virulent anti-semite: Paul Topete”

Pokerface members not only played music for the crowd, but they also managed the sound system, provided the event’s security and assisted event coordinator Lisa Miller with the general organization of the DC event. What makes their presence even more suspicious is that in all promotional website posts or materials for the day’s event there was no mention of Pokerface’s involvement anywhere.

In the past, Pokerface had been a staple of Ron Paul rallies and enjoys a healthy following from the survivalist and white nationalist communities. Lead singer: Paul Topete was a frequent poster on the white nationalist website VNNforum.
Last year, public pressure about Topete’s racism was brought to the attention of Ron Paul’s campaign and Pokerface was dropped from a RP event in Michigan. But, to no avail Poker Face continued to play at several Ron Paul rallies, including in the Washington DC since then.
Poker Face has also performed at a benefit for Willis Carto’s anti-semitic newspaper American Free Press and has endorsed the notorious Barnes Review, both outlets of longtime white supremacist Carto.

During this very July 4th Tea Party event, in a conversation with anti-racist journalist Daryle Lamont Jenkins of One People’s Project, Topete stated that “jews were responsible for 60% of all unreported crime in the United States”, while further claiming in this same recent conversation that “only 97,000 jews died in the Holocaust”. Paul went on to say that his libertarian views make him support anyone who has been imprisoned for simply speaking; he specifically noted holocaust denier and revisionist Ernst Zundel as an example. Other “interesting” quotes from Topete can be found in his interview with Mathaba:

This kind of racism is nothing new when both Ron Paul and the Tea Parties are the throwing political events.
As of late many watchdog organizations and journalists have been throwing red flags on this third positionist politician and growing right wing militant movement.

Ron Paul’s 2008 presidential campaign turned futile after his racist and homophobic writings were revealed in his 1990’s newsletter The Ron Paul Report was exposed to the public.
His then damaged campaign for president was reformed into the “Campaign for Liberty” and suspicions speculate how the millions of dollars raised for Ron Paul presidential run is now being used.
Campaign for Liberty, is one of the major backers of the Tea Parties as is Newt Gingrich and Dick Armey’s organization Freedom Works among a few other groups: American Majority, Americans for Limited Government, Competitive Enterprise Institute, Institute for Liberty, March for Liberty Coalition, National Taxpayer’s Union, and others.

Interesting, but not surprising given the fringe affiliated risks, there were very few political campaigns joining in on the show, a day often seen as a big opportunity for candidates to out reach.

The one political candidate who had a contingent hanging out with Poker Face and their Tea Party event was Virginia Attorney General GOP nominee Ken Cuccinelli.

UPDATE! We have been contacted by a very nice politically conservative person from Texas. He has written up his own personal disturbing account of going to the Houston Tea Party as a supporter, but when he got there he was pretty appalled.
David Ross’s : Houston, Tea Has A Problem
And Also, thanks to Mr. Ross, there is an interesting article from the Houston Press
And a little tidbit more about the Houston rally, because it appears that Stormfront members were there (warning white power neo-nazi site)

UPDATE!!! Mike Flugennock has graced us with his brand new cartoon “The Teabaggers are coming”


Filed under Immigration, Politics, Race, racism, Tea Parties