Tag Archives: “Virginia Politics”

Terrorist Youth Network is Now Promoting Lynching.

Matthew Heimbach marches with the Neo-confederate VA Flaggers.

Matthew Heimbach marches with the Neo-confederate VA Flaggers.

Hate groups are never short of paranoia. They are constantly projecting their own violent tendencies in the form of self victimization.

The brilliant history blog Crossroads and author Brooks D Simpson have being doing an excellent job of reporting the day-to-day lunacy and latest in media whoredom of the “The Virginia Flaggers”.

Just in case you may not have heard of them, these Neo-Confederate dress up cosplay losers want to erect a big-ass pole and Confederate flag outside of Richmond VA. Having watched way too much Gone with the Wind as children, they want to return to the idyllic past where black people were property.

Onward we go to how much idiocy is being excreted from this situation; the flaggers now believe their big pole and made-in-China nylon rag is going to incite the big bad boogeymen of “the left” into vandalizing/harming/terrorizing them for their hoop skirt fantasies. As Brooks D Simpson reported on the rhetoric of these morons:

First, it was a warning about “vandalism.” Now, it’s a warning about terrorism:

You know what worries me the most about the level of vicious hatred individual Leftist haters express on postings of these types of articles lately?

I worry that sooner or later some lone nut or two, possibly inspired by the anti-Confederate flag rhetoric of these people will – in the name of “tolerance” and “patriotism” of course – commit some heinous act of violence of the type that took place in Aurora, CO or recently in Boston, MA. 

Its all too easy for me to envision someone planting a pressure cooker or worse pulling an AK-47 on a Veteran’s Day Parade that features Confederate re-enactors. 

The Left has recently shown these last couple of years they can no longer reasonably control their crazies, assuming they are even trying.

The irony is that Matthew Heimbach (see photo above, the guy up front in the black jacket) is fairly recent to the Neo-Nazi scene but a well known white supremacist; from what you can see from the photo, he’s a member/supporter of the Virginia flaggers.

We just recently featured a story about Heimbach’s fellow “White Student Union” school club member John Stortstrom  who was involved in creating explosives as a contractor with the military.

In that story, we also mentioned the new parent group of the white student union: “The Traditionalist Youth Network,” a group born out of the old Youth For Western Civilization college club sponsored by Morton Blackwell’s Leadership Institute.

The Traditionalist Youth Network is a apparently being run by Heimbach and the Indiana white power gadfly Matt Parrott and is most likely backed by The American Freedom Party .

Ya’ll still following this?

It looks like ugly just got uglier because now The Traditionalist Youth Network is now promoting the violence of lynching.

Translation: Communists= Blacks Zionists=Jews Modernists=Gays

Communists= Blacks

On their page they go into great detail how the young violent hate monger can create violent and threatening signs that promote racial terrorism on the people. And we thought all that was already over.


Some quotes from the article (which we made sure to take screen shots of)


If you followed these directions correctly, it means that you’ve got a kick-ass sign which is capable of lynching Communism worse than a farmer beating a rented mule.

 Now that you know how to make an awesome sign, get out there and be a strong Church Militant, and don’t forget to post some pictures on our Facebook wall…

Who are the REAL terrorists NOW?


Filed under anti-gay bigotry, KKK, Nazis, racism, Uncategorized

Arlington Virginia Protest Against Gov.Bob McDonnell’s War Against Immigrants

Protest at Arlington DMV Against McDonnell Passing New Law To Prevent Legal Immigrants From Obtaining Proper ID

Arlington Va- To protest Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell’s draconian, heavy handed and ridiculous assault on the immigrant community, Tenants and Workers United staged a protest in front of the Arlington, Virginia branch of the DMV on Wednesday, September 15, with nearly one hundred people and members of LiUNA present in solidarity. McDonnell dropped any pretense of “only targeting illegal immigrants” by specifically assaulting the rights of legal, documented immigrants by disqualifying the government-issued “Temporary Protected Status” card as a form of acceptable identification to obtain a driver’s license.

In the wake of the deaths of three Benedictine nuns by a Bolivian national who was driving under the influence, McDonnell ordered the Virginia DMV to disqualify the “Temporary Protected Status” card as an acceptable form of government-issued identification for people to obtain driver’s licenses from the state of Virginia. The TPS identification is the primary (and in many cases, only) proof of legal residency for asylum seekers or other people who are legitimately working through the immigration system.

Protesters decried the disastrous effects this new legislation would bring to the immigrant community, as legal residents who depend on their ability to drive to earn a living will now be severely crippled. Glenda Herman, a US citizen, participated at today’s rally and put it plainly: “My husband has TPS and in two years will lose his driver’s license because of the Governor’s decision. Then he will lose his job as a driver. […] What future do my children have? How will we pay for college? How will we pay for food?”

Laborers International Union of North America Standing for the Rights of the People

The “law and order” facade of the anti-immigrant movement continues to wear thin. How do they expect anyone to have any respect for the law when they make it a crime to be brown?

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Filed under Immigration, Politics, racism

Neo-Nazi Billy White Now Facing Financial Suit

Neo-Nazi Bill White Now in Prison is Also Facing Financial Suit

It is still debatable whether Neo-Nazi Bill White was ever actually a threat to society, but there is no denying that he was very good at pissing the wrong people off.

Not only are his charges being reinstated in Chicago, but now the group of tenants in VA, most who are poor and of African American ethnicity whom he sent out nasty and threatening letters to in support of their racist landlord are taking Bill to court in a civil suit for monetary compensation.

Neo Nazi Bill White back in court for civil trial

The trial will resume at 9 a.m. Thursday morning.

Attorneys for the plaintiffs (the five Virginia Beach women suing White) said to expect to hear from all five women and one of their husbands Thursday morning and into Thursday afternoon.

The plaintiffs also intend to play a videotape disposition of White from quite some time ago, where White talks about the case.

White’s attorneys told jurors they intend to defend him by arguing the plaintiffs blew the case totally out of proportion and that White was simply practicing free speech.

In May 2007, White sent every tenant at a Virginia Beach section eight housing complex a racially offensive letter and a copy of his Neo-Nazi magazine.

All five women received the mailer. At least one immediately went into hiding. Another woman’s small child opened the packet and looked at the magazine.

The five women caught White’s ire after they sued their landlord, a man White did not know and has never met, for violating the Fair Housing Act in 2006.

A U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) investigation found the landlord violated the tenants’ rights by setting a 10 p.m. curfew which he only enforced on blacks. The report also found the landlord intimidated the tenants after they filed a HUD complaint.

Using a different attorney firm than the one handling their current White lawsuit, they settled out of court with the landlord for between $20,000 to $30,000 apiece, according to courtroom testimony.

White also published the personal information of the lawyer whom represented the women in the landlord case, Kevin Mottley, on at least one white supremacist website, the Vanguard News Network.

A judge later ordered the information taken down but for White the damage was done.

Mottley continued to investigate White and later turned his findings over to the FBI in the spring of 2008. Mottley’s investigation was the primary catalyst which set off a sweeping investigation into White resulting in three criminal convictions last December.

One of those convictions was for threatening the five Virginia Beach tenants. At least two of them testified against White in his criminal trial.


Filed under "Bill White"

The NAACP Letter to Jim Webb!

King Salim Khalfani is a man of guts!

Members of the Organizing Committee for a Virginia People’s Assembly hold a protest / press conference outside the General Assembly Building Dec. 17 as Gov. Tim Kaine outlines his proposed budget cuts to state legislators. From left, Breanne Armbrust of Richmond Jobs with Justice, Phil WIlayto of the Defenders for Freedom, Justice & Equality and King Salim Khalfani, executive director of the Virginia State Conference NAACP. The action received wide media coverage.

Virginia NAACP condemns Webb op-ed on diversity programs

King Salim Khalfani Executive Director Virginia State Conference NAACP

July 26, 2010

The Honorable Jim Webb, Senator
United States Senate
225 Russell Building
Washington, D.C. 20510

Re: Op-Ed Piece in the WSJ on the Myth of White Privilege!

Dear Senator Webb:

On behalf of the Virginia State Conference NAACP, its’ over 100-Adult Branches, College Chapters & Youth Councils we greet you as a fellow Life Member of our Association as we commemorate our 75th Anniversary the Diamond Jubilee at our State Convention, October 29-31, 2010 in the place of our founding Roanoke, Virginia. Senator Webb, we have read your piece entitled, “Diversity & the Myth of White Privilege.” We vehemently disagree with your analysis and wonder if serving in the elite, rich United States Senate has skewed your vision of the world in which we live. Your opponent then and coming George Allen would not have had the gall to write about the “myth of white privilege” even though I am sure he feels that way. In African culture, it is said, when people show & tell you who they are. Believe them!” Your written word has spoken volumes for your belief system.

It appears that you and U.S. Senate candidate Rand Paul are kith and kin. Do you really believe that affirmative action has hurt white, Anglo-Saxon Protestants or are you pandering to the divisive, conservative, Tea Bagger types whose votes you will need in 2012? The true beneficiaries of affirmative action programs are white, Anglo-Saxon women…overwhelmingly. If a white, republican, ultra-right winger, or Rush, Beck or O’Reilly had written or spoken it, the world would have known about it. But, you have written it and it did not go unnoticed but it did not garner the attention that it should have. After the race baiting of the past week concerning the U.S.D.A. and the right-wing blogger who doctored the tape and the statistics that show the African (Black) community’s suffering disproportionately during this economic depression, one would think that you would have more sensitivity than to pen that science fiction. Have you advocated for the funding for the long overdue settlement for the Black farmers? John Boyd and the farmers need some help.

You have given cover & solace to those “who want to take their country back (from whom?), who want to reload not regroup, who think it is ok to spit on and use racial epithets against African members of the House of Representatives. Senator Webb, we need to meet to discuss your philosophy and other relevant issues like: bailouts for the rich and sellouts for taxpayers, the unethical profits of the oil companies at the expense of citizens, the Iraq & Afghanistan wars that are killing our soldiers and the economy, the outsourcing of jobs to India, China & Brazil at the expense of U.S. workers and a plethora of other life and death issues that you could have championed in the Wall Street Journal. Oh, did I forget…JOBS, JOBS, and more JOBS for the citizens of this country!

Does your colleague, Junior Senator Mark Warner concur with your belief? We will ask him as well. Well, fellow member of the NAACP, we look forward to your timely response and we can’t wait to meet you!


King Salim Khalfani
Executive Director

CC: Senator Mark Warner


Filed under Politics

Webb And “White Privilege”…Again!

Senator James Webb has been a questionable public figure since the release of a cartoon with anti-Semetic undertones during his nomination race against Democrat Harris Miller.

Jim Webb Portrays Harris Miller as a Stereo Type Jew Obsessed With Money.

He has had our radar up since and we were waiting for him to pop up with another racist bit of tripe, and low and behold, there he wrote up a disaster of a whopper for the Wall Street Journal titled “Diversity and the Myth of White Privilege” where he basically stated a Pat Buchanan based argument with fluffy rich white liberal language.

And then a choir of pathetic yay sayers piped up in their party playing pander:
The Pathetic Party Panderings:
1. Donald McEachin

2. Chap Peterson

3. And of course the most obvious of who would sing Webb’s praises the neo-Nazis on Stormfront

But, through the BS there is one person with a clue who has hit the nail on the head on the moronic rantings of Jim Webb.

ADAM SERWER has become the new hero here at the LLL for the day with his honest and upfront article that knocks the Webb rants down to the sewer where they belong:

Webb And “White Privilege.”

There are a number of things about Senator Jim Webb’s op-ed “The Myth of White Privilege” to dislike, starting with the fact that one of the awesome things about the existence of white privilege is that you can be part of a body like the U.S. Senate, which has a total number of zero elected black members, and write something titled “The Myth of White Privilege” without anyone batting an eyelash. That said, Webb’s op-ed is considerably more nuanced than the title, acknowledging that “The injustices endured by black Americans at the hands of their own government have no parallel in our history,” although he makes the same mistake as Ross Douthat in repeating the conservative frame of zero-sum competition between whites and people of color.

For some reason, Webb sees the existence of poor whites as proof white privilege doesn’t exist, when it’s largely a non sequitur. The existence of Southie or Appalachia does not change the fact that a white man with a prison record has an easier time than a black person without one. But what I find really remarkable is this:

The old South was a three-tiered society, with blacks and hard-put whites both dominated by white elites who manipulated racial tensions in order to retain power. At the height of slavery, in 1860, less than 5% of whites in the South owned slaves. The eminent black historian John Hope Franklin wrote that “fully three-fourths of the white people in the South had neither slaves nor an immediate economic interest in the maintenance of slavery.”
Webb cites President Franklin Roosevelt’s study of poverty and the region and notes, “Generations of such deficiencies do not disappear overnight, and they affect the momentum of a culture.” How true. The gaping hole in Webb’s argument, however, is that, as Ira Katznelson has written, the entire force of the American state spent decades helping the white people of the region to the exclusion of African Americans, at the behest of their representatives in the Democratic Party. The Social Security Act’s three major provisions were constructed to deliberately exclude blacks, and previous programs with federal money aimed at the relief of poverty also gave discretion to the states for how to spend them precisely so Southern states could make sure they weren’t being spent on black people. The National Labor Relations Act was constructed to exclude blacks, the GI Bill gave fewer benefits to black soldiers than to white soldiers, and the Federal Housing Authority’s discrimination helped build the modern wealth gap between blacks and whites. These efforts “treated whites as a fungible monolith,” to borrow Webb’s own language, and in concert with other economic factors, helped speed the integration of white ethnics while maintaining a caste-system based on skin color. As if it isn’t also obvious, the price for maintaining a system of apartheid in the South was diminishing the potential economic impact of these programs by excluding a large part of the region’s residents.

I’m not uncomfortable with the government using its power to help poor people of any color, or people who are discriminated against. But to write about the poverty of the South without acknowledging the decades of massive government effort geared exclusively toward aiding white people is rather astonishing. More astonishing, perhaps, is that Webb, like all affirmative-action opponents, seems to forget the rather large number of white people helped by affirmative action. Webb notes that Johnson’s “initial program for affirmative action” was grounded in the 13th Amendment. Sure. But arguing that Johnson meant for affirmative action simply to address the unique history of discrimination faced by African Americans is incorrect. It was Johnson, after all, who included “creed” and “national origin,” along with “race” and “color,” and in 1967 expanded his original executive order to include women. It’s one thing for Republicans, who oppose government efforts to help the disadvantaged on ideological principle, to focus on race in arguments about affirmative action (or FinReg, or Health Care, etc.) because they think that this is the quickest way to get white people angry. But it’s surprising to hear from a Democrat, especially one so clearly concerned with the stark racial injustices of the U.S. prison system.

Johnson’s decision hints at affirmative action’s real purpose, one that has been muddied by the legal arguments that have been necessary to keep it alive. The purpose is not merely the “compelling state interest in diversity,” it is to help correct the societal biases, conscious and unconscious, that continue to curtail opportunity for certain groups of Americans. The fact that affirmative action, which is a relatively mild form of government action compared to the Democratic Party’s deliberate creation of a modern whites-only welfare state, arouses so much anger is evidence of how powerful such biases continue to be.

In general, the argument over affirmative action is broad and non-specific, and we don’t discuss whether we mean college admissions, employment, or allocation of government contracts. I’m comfortable with moving to a more class-based system of affirmative action in college admissions, and I think a more aggressive class-based system might actually work better at creating diversity. But the fact remains that no one knows a white person is an Irish Protestant or a Baptist when they walk into a job interview. They do know when someone is black, and they know when someone is a woman, and we all know that still matters.

Finally, Pat Buchanan did not get into trouble merely for “pointing out that if Elena Kagan is confirmed to the Supreme Court, there will not be a single Protestant Justice.” That remark was received in the context of Buchanan being someone whose definition of whiteness excludes white Jews and whose definition of Americanness excludes anyone who is not white. He believes any social advancement for people of color or non-Christians is necessarily to the detriment of white Americans, who are the people to whom America truly belongs. That perhaps, explains why Buchanan didn’t resign from the Reagan administration in protest when Justice Antonin Scalia was picked because Reagan thought, “We don’t have an Italian American on the court, so we ought to have one.” After all, if there’s any lesson from history in all this, it’s that certain forms of affirmative action aren’t very controversial.


Filed under Politics, racism

VA Governor Bob McDonnell Appoint’s Nixon’s “Jew Counter” to Chair Position

No, this is not a joke…Nixon was paranoid of a “Jewish Cabal” so he hired Fred Malek to count and “control” the number of Jews working for the Department of Labor at the time.
Now Virginia’s governor Bob McDonnell has appointed Malek to chair for his “Government Reform Panel”
But, let us take a look into Malek’s darker past…
From Not Larry Sabato:

Later that day (according to a July 3, 1971, tape widely publicized on its release by the National Archives in 1999), Nixon and Colson, now alone, had the following exchange:

Nixon: Well, listen, are they all Jews over there?
Colson: Every one of them. Well, a couple of exceptions.
Nixon: See my point?
Colson: You know goddamn well they’re out to kill us.

Also that day, Nixon and his chief of staff, H.R. “Bob” Haldeman, had the following conversation (this, too, is from the July 3, 1971, tape that was released in 1999):

Nixon: Now, point: [Fred] Malek is not Jewish.
Haldeman: No.
Nixon: All right, I want a look at any sensitive areas around where Jews are involved, Bob. See, the Jews are all through the government, and we have got to get in those areas. We’ve got to get a man in charge who is not Jewish to control the Jewish … do you understand?
Haldeman: I sure do.
Nixon: The government is full of Jews. Second, most Jews are disloyal. You know what I mean? You have a [White House Counsel Leonard] Garment and a [National Security Adviser Henry] Kissinger and, frankly, a [White House speechwriter William] Safire, and, by God, they’re exceptions. But Bob, generally speaking, you can’t trust the bastards. They turn on you. Am I wrong or right?

“Two days later, on July 26, Haldeman sends a memo to Malek. “What’s the status of your analysis of the BLS; specifically of the 21 key people?” Haldeman writes. “What is their demographic breakdown?”

Malek answers in a memo the following day. Out of 50 names on the organization chart, Malek has run down the party affiliations of 35. Twenty-five are Democrats, one is a Republican, and nine are either independents, not registered, or of unknown party affiliation. “In addition,” Malek writes (someone—presumably either Haldeman or Nixon himself—has underlined this sentence), “13 out of the 35 fit the other demographic criterion that was discussed.” Scribbled beneath this (I’m guessing by Haldeman) are the words, “Most of these are at the top.” (Malek’s method of identifying who was Jewish and who wasn’t was to scrutinize surnames, rendering his estimate as unreliable as it was abhorrent.)

Six weeks pass, and it is Sept. 8, 1971. Malek reports in a memo (previously unpublished; thanks, again, to Kenneth J. Hughes) that he has had “several meetings” with Labor Secretary Hodgson “to convince him of the need for fairly drastic moves.” Six out of nine offices will be combined into an Office of Data Analysis. This will be headed by a “politically sensitive, loyal Republican economist,” presumably one who does not have a mezuzah nailed to his front door. The move will strip the BLS’ deputy commissioner, the unfortunately surnamed Ben Burdetsky, from authority “over the most critical areas.

In addition, Malek reports, two other associate commissioners with Jewish-sounding names—Peter Henle and Leon Greenberg—”will be transferred when the reorganization is announced.” (Henle, after a sabbatical at the Brookings Institution, was reassigned to the Library of Congress and after Jimmy Carter became president in 1977 returned to the Labor department* as a deputy assistant secretary before retiring in 1979. He died at 88 this past February. I don’t know what happened to Greenberg.)

“These moves do not go as far as I would have preferred,” writes Malek in the September 1971 memo, “but represent a reasonable compromise that I feel will make the BLS a more responsive and effective unit.”

Now, Malek makes another return to Virginia politics to advise Bob McDonnell?

What kind of “advising” is McDonnell looking for????

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Filed under Politics, Race, racism, Uncategorized

Who Exactly Is Ken Cuccinelli?


The New AG Mussolini for Virginia

(Foto from Blue Virginia Blog)

At a Morton Blackwell’s 2009 4th of July event, Cuccinelli’s wife bragged from the podium about her husband being “right wing extremist”, this was no joke.

Despite being the keynote speaker at tea bagger and pro militia events Cuccinelli has been dodging the bullet on addressing his right wing “third position” politics , his support for and from dangerous racist militia groups, his burning hatred of gays and immigrants, not to mention he believes birth control is equal abortion and both should be made illegal and unavailable to the public.

From “Nick”:

Hard Right Republican Favored to be Next Attorney General of Virginia

In Virginia, registered voters are preparing to cast their ballots in a statewide election that could significantly affect the future of the Commonwealth. The governor, lieutenant governor and attorney general seats are all open and Virginia Republicans appear to be within electoral reach of each seat.

While the governor’s race has received the most attention from the local media and Virginia voters, the Republican candidate for attorney general might be the key political player who shapes the state’s future should he win the race.

Ken Cuccinelli, a state senator from Virginia’s 37th district, is favored to be the state’s next attorney general according to several reputable polls.

Cuccinelli is a hard right Republican who believes global warming is fabricated, thinks state law should reflect his derogatory views of homosexuals and introduced a law in the state legislature that would have allowed employers to fire workers who did not speak English and subsequently deny them unemployment benefits.

Here is a breakdown of his views on three critical issues:

The far-right Republican denies global warming exists. He told a group of William and Mary university students in late September that the climate is getting colder and it is a natural part of the Earth’s climate cycle.

When a W&M student asked him about the professional views of Secretary of Energy Steven Chu, Cuccinelli described his science as “absolutely baseless.” Chu has a Nobel Prize in Physics and has publicly advocated for national economies to reduce or eliminate fossil fuels and adopt renewable sources of energy. When the same student asked about the educational experiences that shaped his views on climate change, Cuccinelli responded by saying that he took a few engineering courses in college.

Cuccinelli then ominously warned the W&M students that “the environmental movement has been used more than any other movement…to destroy and get rid of capitalism.”

The Republican state senator has also threatened to sue the federal government if it institutes carbon cap emissions. He said this year that supporters of carbon cap emissions are like “watermelons”: green on the outside but communist red on the inside.

He enthusiastically supports granting permits for companies to explore and possibly drill for petroleum and natural gas off Virginia’s Eastern Shore. Sites already eyed for potential exploration and subsequent drilling include areas off Virginia’s famous southern portion of Assateague Island.

Assateague Island, which is shared territorially between Virginia and Maryland, includes a National Wildlife Refuge (NWF) that serves as a resting spot for numerous migratory birds. It is a nationally protected park and continues to serve as a vital part of the area’s ecological system.

If a petroleum spill were to occur, whether accidental or intentional, Assateague’s NWF could be destroyed.

Cuccinelli recently told the Virginia-Pilot, a daily newspaper based in Norfolk, that “ homosexual acts are wrong…intrinsically wrong. And I think in a natural law based country it’s appropriate to have policies that reflect that.”

He was instrumental in promoting the November 2006 statewide referendum which defined marriage as “only a union between one man and one woman.” The Marshall-Newman Amendment was approved by 57% of Virginia voters and is now part of Virginia’s state constitution.

Cuccinelli attends St. Andrew the Apostle Catholic Church in Clifton, VA. It is the same church that hosts former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum. The former Pennsylvania Senator was arguably one of the most homophobic members of the U.S. Senate. Santorum famously compared homosexuality to sexual intercourse with non-human animals in an interview with the Associated Press in 2003.

Cuccinelli was spiritually nurtured by Father Jerome W. Fasano. The priest, who is now the resident pastor at St. John the Baptist Catholic Church in Front Royal, Virginia, preaches homosexuality is perverse. Fasano’s sermons include hysterical homophobic diatribes and condemnations of individuals who are not both Roman Catholic and socially conservative.

Father Jerome W. Fasano can be reached at his current office phone, 540-635-3780, for questions or concerns about Cuccinelli.

Cuccinelli has avid support from the laity of St. Andrew the Apostle Catholic Church. Supporters of Cuccinelli are often seen after weekend masses in Clifton holding supportive signs.

St. Andrew the Apostle Catholic Church is located at 6720 Union Mill Road Clifton, VA 20124. The Parish office can be reached at 703-817-1770 for questions or concerns about Cuccinelli.

Cuccinelli has notoriously anti-immigrant views. In the Virginia State Senate, he proposed amending Section 1 of the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution to revoke citizenship rights of the children of undocumented immigrants who were born in the United States.

The Republican state senator gained national attention in early January 2008 when he introduced a bill in the Virginia state legislature that would have allowed employers to fire individuals for the “inability or refusal” to speak English in the workplace and subsequently deny them unemployment benefits. The bill, SB339, would have even allowed employers to fire employees who spoke a non-English language on the phone or to co-workers when away from clients and the public.

Cuccinelli boasts on his official AG campaign website, that he will deport “Illegal aliens who choose to break additional laws by stealing identities, dealing drugs, joining criminal gangs, driving without a license.”

He also introduced a bill in the State Senate which would allow a Virginia business to file suit against another competing Virginia-based business “if the [competing business] employs or employed persons it knew or should have known were illegal aliens.”

More posted about Coooch:
Ken Cuccinelli And the White Supremacists In His Campaign

Cuccinelli: The Crackpot Candidate


Filed under "tea Party", Politics

Ken Cuccinelli And the White Supremacists In His Campaign

We here at the Lady Liberty’s Lamp Collective are surprised that this has not come in the Virginia campaign races before.
It appears that crazy Ken Cuccinelli has some very unsavory racist connections to his campaign by way of the Gun Owners of America’s founder “Larry Pratt”

Cuccinelli with his campaign spokesman the white supremacist Larry Pratt

It appears Larry Pratt has been a long time Cuccinelli supporter and advocate:

Gun Owners of America Political Victory Fund E-Mail/FAX Alert
8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102, Springfield, VA 22151
Phone: 703-321-8585 / FAX: 703-321-8408

July 26, 2002
Dear Friend of the Second Amendment,
Believe it or not, the staunchest friend of the Second Amendment in
the Virginia state Senate could get into office in a special
election being held in a few days — August 6. And he will be a
Senator from Northern Virginia!

Ken Cuccinelli of Centreville pulled off an upset to win the
Republican primary in the 37th state Senate district.

Cuccinelli defeated the establishment candidate who was backed by
some of the worst anti-gun Republicans in the state.

Cuccinelli now faces the kind of candidate that only the members of
the so-called Million Moms could love — Cathy Belter. Belter is a
liberal librarian who is on the Fairfax County School Board.

Belter has boasted of her teacher union support. As you probably
know, the national and state teachers unions openly and militantly
support gun control.

I assure you that the virulently anti-self defense teachers unions
do not want Cuccinelli to win this special August 6 election.

Frankly, Gun Owners of America thinks that this election is just as
important as does the anti-gun Virginia Education Association
teachers union.

We have been able to pass pro-self defense legislation in the House
of Delegates only to see the legislation get killed in the Senate.
This is exactly what happened this year to the House-passed bill to
remove the ban on carrying a concealed firearm in restaurants that
serve alcoholic beverages.

The pro-Second Amendment forces are close to a majority in the
Senate. Cuccinelli’s victory would put us much closer to victory
Another benefit of a Cuccinelli victory would be to put the lie to
the anti-gun mantra that a pro-Second Amendment candidate cannot be
elected in Northern Virginia.

Cuccinelli’s victory will tell pro-gun activists that they could
win, too — if they would just take the plunge and run for office.

Cuccinelli is running an excellent grassroots campaign. But even if
you do not live close enough to the 37th Senate district in Northern
Virginia, you can help with a contribution.

You can give as much as you want under Virginia law. Corporate
contributions are also OK in Virginia. A few $1,000 checks would
give a huge boost to the Cuccinelli campaign.

But even $25, $50 or $100 would help a lot.

Please send your check, today! You can send it to Cuccinelli for
Senate, 6801 Mount Olive Court, Centreville, VA 20121.

Online contributions can be made at:


If there is any way you can volunteer — even if you have to drive
across the state the weekend before Election Day — please call the
campaign office at 703-766-0635. Or use Ken@cuccinelli.com to drop
Cuccinelli an e-mail message.

Cuccinelli has bucked the anti-self defense establishment in
Northern Virginia. Please take part in the effort to enable him to
buck the anti-gunners in Richmond.
Larry Pratt
Executive Director

P.S. If you live in parts of Springfield, Burke or Fairfax Station,
or anywhere in Centreville or Chantilly, you are in Cuccinelli’s
37th Senate district. You can verify in which district you reside
by calling the information desk at a public library

More about Larry Pratt from the Southern Poverty Law Center

Larry Pratt

Larry Pratt, a gun rights absolutist whose Gun Owners of America (GOA) has been described as “eight lanes to the right” of the National Rifle Association, may well be the person who brought the concept of citizen militias to the radical right.

In 1990, Pratt wrote a book, Armed People Victorious, based on his study of “citizen defense patrols” used in Guatemala and the Philippines against Communist rebels — patrols that came to be known as death squads for their murderous brutality.

Picturing these groups in rosy terms, Pratt advocated similar militias in the United States — an idea that finally caught on when he was invited for a meeting of 160 extremists, including many famous white supremacists, in 1992.

It was at that meeting, hosted in Colorado by white supremacist minister Pete Peters, that the contours of the militia movement were laid out.

Pratt, whose GOA has grown since its 1975 founding to some 150,000 members today, hit the headlines in a big way when his associations with Peters and other professional racists were revealed, convincing arch-conservative Pat Buchanan to eject him as a national co-chair of Buchanan’s 1996 presidential campaign.

The same year, it emerged that Pratt was a contributing editor to a periodical of the anti-Semitic United Sovereigns of America, and that his GOA had donated money to a white supremacist attorney’s group.

Pratt is today close to the extremist Constitution Party and its radical theology.

Cuccinelli himself is no stranger to hate and bigotry in his latest homophobic remark to the Virginia Pilot:

“ My view is that homosexual acts, not homosexuality, but homosexual acts are wrong. They’re intrinsically wrong. And I think in a natural law based country it’s appropriate to have policies that reflect that. … They don’t comport with natural law. I happen to think that it represents (to put it politely; I need my thesaurus to be polite) behavior that is not healthy to an individual and in aggregate is not healthy to society.”

UPDATE!! Virginia political blogger Vivian Page also has a great article addressing Cuccinelli extremism here. A very good read!

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Filed under Abortion, anti-gay bigotry, Politics, queer


Time For this Silly Fool To Google "Godwin Theory"

From our pal Daryle at One People’s Project:

It has been a very busy week for us and the teabaggers, and the high point for us was not the tea party rally in Washington DC itself, but rather how damn near every one of those who participated avoided like the plague the Black Family Reunion being held on the National Mall at the same time. They were proud to call Obama a Marxist, a racist, a Nazi, an “Undocumented Worker” – as one sign put it – but as they got closer to where the Family Reunion was happening they did everything they could to keep from having to deal with the people they basically spent the week trashing. Much of the talk at the teabagging event was the how they keep being called racist and were going to be called that no matter what they do. Well, they were right on that one. It might have something to do with the fact that one of their sponsors writes columns warning readers of political power in the hands of black people. And it doesn’t help matters much when you see the Hammerskin logo on a few signs in the crowd. But such is the case when you are dealing with conservatives: McCarthyism and racism

…rest of the article here


Filed under "tea Party", "Healthcare", "Town hall meetings", Politics, Race, racism, Tea Parties

When Life Loves Death

Disrespecting the dead and waving around a corpse to push a wackjob agenda is not just for fetuses in a jar anymore.
It’s now for playing corporate concubine for insurance, pharmaceutical and health industry CEO’s.

The American Life League stoops to a new low using Kennedy's death the corporate CEO agenda

The American Life League stoops to a new low using Kennedy's death the corporate CEO agenda

Yes, the anti-choice anti-abortion movement, who brought our society domestic terror on women’s clinics and Drs have sunk to a low in a new direction, using Senator Ted Kennedy’s barely cold dead body to push the agenda for the corporate pimp daddies.

Among the plethora of crazy, barely coherent signs present at the 9/12 DC Teabagger event, this sign caught our attention which reads:


This sort of sentiment was donned on a lot of scribbled hand-written signs, but something this crass appearing like it was mass produced by a 501c3 astroturf organization was a bit out of the ordinary.

There was very little to clue us in to the producers of this nasty sign except a barely visible logo for something called “ALL.”

But, alas with a little digging we found out that the organization that mass-produced this sign is the American Life League (source), one of the largest pro-life organizations in the United States. It is a spin-off of the National Right to Life Committee and was founded by Judie and Paul Brown (source) with help from Heritage Foundation founder Paul Weyrich. Among ALL’s projects are Rock 4 Life, ALL’s campaign to shut down Planned Parenthood as well as their campaign to expose pro-choice catholics and deny them communion.

Long story short: A very sick minded astroturf lobbying group whose claim to fame is that they are dedicated to “preserving the sanctity of life” exploits the death of one man to achieve short-term political goals that deny health coverage to millions of Americans for the sake of corporate buggery. Classy.
More of these nasty signs can be found here and here


Filed under "Healthcare", "Town hall meetings", Abortion, Politics, Tea Parties, Uncategorized