Tag Archives: "Town hall meetings"

From the Steps Of the Capitol:Tea Bagger Event Attracts Thousands

TeabaggerNov5, 2009

Copyright Photo by Isis

Mike Flugennock writes:

Thousands of ignorant-assed SUV-driving muthafucKKKahs gathered on Capitol Hill today to actively campaign against their own best interests in the current healthcare “debate”. “Abuse us! Cheat us! Let us sicken and die when we can’t afford healthcare!!” chanted the crazed thousands of freedom-loving patriots who assembled at the Peoples’ House today. The throngs of fake Harley gear-wearing whitebread thrilled to the stirring words of Michelle “You Be Da’ Man” Bachmann and the guy who played the mailman on “Cheers” as they condemned the weak-assed bone thrown to single-payer supporters in the form of the “Public Option”. Look the hell out, Nancy Pelosi. Fear the voice of the People.

Speakers included Bachmann, Jon “Midnight Cowboy” Voight, and “Cliff” from Cheers.



Pitiful fools …….


Filed under "tea Party", "Healthcare"

Who Is Andrew Beacham?

The many faces of Andrew Beacham

The many faces of Andrew Beacham

Our friends at Teabagger Watch (nee Teabaggers Are Coming) have a great new piece about Andrew Beacham, the young teabagger acolyte of rabid anti-choice zealot Randall Terry. Beacham first came to our attention when he has been spotted him at various events sporting distinctly changed looks. In addition to getting arrested wherever Obama is speaking and making a fool of himself protesting Obama’s “do well in school” speech, Beacham’s hobbies also include infiltrating Planned Parenthood meetings and having sooper dooper top seekrit meetings with notable airhead Alan Keyes.

Read the whole juicy article here!


Filed under "tea Party", "Healthcare", "Town hall meetings", Abortion, Politics, Tea Parties

BETTER WATCH OUT! The **ACORN** Is Gonna Get Ya!

The State Of Right Wing Hate

The State Of Right Wing Hate

The recent attacks and frame-ups against the community activist group ACORN has proved to be once again about targeting people of color.

With our most recent post about 9/12 racebaitor “Tim Jones” screaming at a small group of black kids who were doing some vending at the 9/12 hell hound tea bagger march, we think it’s time we started to “address” this problem with the facts!

The great talent of Mr. Flugennock has done it again to capture the true spirit of these “American Patriots” of HATE!
From Flugennock:

Radio Hate is On The Air: “Scary ACORN People are Coming to Get You!”

Just so we’re on the same page, here: community organizing group ACORN
registered large numbers of black voters in Chicago for the last big
“election”. As is common in many registration campaigns, there’s a fair
number of wise-asses registering dead peoples’ names, or obviously fake
names. Also, as is required by law by boards of elections in any US city
I’ve been to, any bogus/invalid registrations are reported, to keep the
voter rolls cleared of all the dead people, and all those Luke
Skywalkers and Donald Ducks.

So, anyway, outfits like the Drudge Report (has anybody informed that
bonehead that the ’90s are over?) get hold of this and, in their own
predictable, inimitable fashion, proceed to blow this up into some kind
of bogus “scandal” and throws it to the rightist k00k crowd like so much
fresh, raw meat. Still, you’ve got to love Drudge, if only because he
carries on in the finest shrieking tabloid tradition: never let the
facts get in the way of a good story

High-res .jpg image, 608k

High-res Adobe .pdf image, 1.2mb

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Filed under "tea Party", "Healthcare", "Town hall meetings", Nazis, Politics, Race, racism, Tea Parties

Who We Are?

Lots of people are wondering who we at the Lady Liberty’s Lamp Collective are.

We are a collective of artists, writers, photographers and videographers who have come together to report on and fight right-wing racism

Watch this video to find out– just remember to replace “Germans” with “Right-wingers!”

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Jones’n A Hardon For Acorn

Crazy Racist Nut: Tim Jones

Crazy Racist Nut: Tim Jones

About a week ago ONE PEOPLES PROJECT an anti-racist journalist organization broke the story about how the video hack and attention monger “Tim Jones” attacked a small group of African American kids who were just selling flags and buttons during the 9/12 Tea Party event in Washington DC.

He is labeled a folk hero by the loons for calling out these young kids as “Acorn” when all they were doing was trying to make a few bucks trying to sell Tea Bagger motif schwag

Here his tinfoil hatted moron buddy “Jay Adams” lies like a fascist propagandist claiming that the wares the kids were selling came from “Acorn paid for by tax payer dollars” and they were violent and punched Tim Jones (never happened) basically because they had black skin, therefore, in the world of Tea Bagging everyone who is black must be “Acorn”.

This story has now taken off with both “Crooks and Liars” and Gawker, but wait, there’s MORE!!!

It appears crazy Tim Jones wants to meet up with and confront ONE PEOPLE’S PROJECT as he states in this video here:

Well, Daryle Lamont Jenkins, the founder of ONE PEOPLE’S PROJECT is more than happy to confront Mr. Jones and call him on his BS.

Time and Place, Timmy, just give us the time and place ….

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Filed under "tea Party", "Healthcare", "Town hall meetings", cops, Politics, Race, racism, Tea Parties

Free Republic Leader Kristenn Taylor Takes An Honest Stand Against Ron Paul Followers And 9/11 Tr00thers In the Tea Party Movement

Most of us at the Lady Liberty’s Lamp collective have known Mr. Taylor for some time now. We have hardly ever been on the same side of the issues with him and his Free Republic buddies. We even have had a few sparing matches from time to time.

But, we do have our hats off in respect to Mr. Taylor for taking an honest stand against the really ugly elements in the conservative movement, especially the Ron Paul cult followers.

This seems to show some sort of issue between the racist Ron Paul followers and the rest of the Republican party.

Just today Ron Paul staffer Lew Rockwell posted up on his blog a big slam against the rally calling the organizers “Red State fascists”

September 14, 2009
No More Marches on DC
Posted by Lew Rockwell on September 14, 2009 08:19 AM

For many years, pro-lifers have expended vast time, energy, and money “marching on Washington” every January, to exactly zero effect. Worse, they hark back to pro-redistribution events. And always, as with the latest 9/12 extravaganza headed by red-state fascists, the marchers assemble on the “National Mall,” the government grass that extends from Lincoln’s Roman temple — where he sits enthroned like Jupiter, fasces and all — to George Washington’s obelisk, an Eqyptian monument to the god Amon Re. In the distance is the capitol, whose dome copies the Roman pantheon, temple to all the gods. In the top of the dome is a painting of Washington being assumed, like the divinized Julius Caesar, into Heaven upon his death. Even Jefferson is portrayed as a god in a Roman temple. Not far away is the the Greek temple where the nine supremes hand down the “law.” Then there is the vast executive apparatus, headed by a living god, and dedicated to killing, spying, taxing, redistributing, inflating, and controlling. Really, DC is one nasty place. So why would anyone concerned about the state and its power “march on Washington”? Such events only dissipate energy, and fool people into thinking that their time and money have accomplished something, as the regime laughs up its sleeve. Indeed, that is the purpose. So stay home. Read, write, work, organize, and avoid DC like the plague it is.


Kristenn, we feel for ya, man, and good luck to ya!

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Filed under "tea Party", "Town hall meetings", Tea Parties

Tea Baggers Say: “AmeriKKKa Rebukes Scary Negro Socialism”

From Mike Flugennock:

Video (from Liveleak!)

Bitchy, greedy, stupid, paunchy White America was at its bitchiest, greediest, stupidest and paunchiest on this fine September afternoon. Never before had so many paid so much to fuel so many SUVs to be at such an historic event. The liberty to piss and moan about having a mixed-race President, to piss and moan about having to pony up for highways and bridges and libraries and schools and Medicare, to piss and moan about anything even remotely resembling national healthcare and demand the poor be allowed to sicken and die while pissing and moaning about how Obama is going to kill their grandmas, is a sacred liberty in this country, and bitchy, greedy, stupid, paunchy White America was there to exercise it.

There were people here who think Obama is a Nazi. There were people here who think he’s a Socialist. There were people here who think he’s some kind of “Manchurian Candidate”.

There were people here who were still demanding proof of Obama’s citizenship even after Chris Matthews had waved a copy of the guy’s birth certificate in front of everybody on TV, f’cripesake.

IMGP4424A(Photo above is Orly Taiz founder of the “Birther Movement”)



There were people here who think the Universe is ten thousand years old.

The mind reels. One found oneself almost in awe.

For more photos HERE and HERE

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Time For this Silly Fool To Google "Godwin Theory"

From our pal Daryle at One People’s Project:

It has been a very busy week for us and the teabaggers, and the high point for us was not the tea party rally in Washington DC itself, but rather how damn near every one of those who participated avoided like the plague the Black Family Reunion being held on the National Mall at the same time. They were proud to call Obama a Marxist, a racist, a Nazi, an “Undocumented Worker” – as one sign put it – but as they got closer to where the Family Reunion was happening they did everything they could to keep from having to deal with the people they basically spent the week trashing. Much of the talk at the teabagging event was the how they keep being called racist and were going to be called that no matter what they do. Well, they were right on that one. It might have something to do with the fact that one of their sponsors writes columns warning readers of political power in the hands of black people. And it doesn’t help matters much when you see the Hammerskin logo on a few signs in the crowd. But such is the case when you are dealing with conservatives: McCarthyism and racism

…rest of the article here


Filed under "tea Party", "Healthcare", "Town hall meetings", Politics, Race, racism, Tea Parties

When Life Loves Death

Disrespecting the dead and waving around a corpse to push a wackjob agenda is not just for fetuses in a jar anymore.
It’s now for playing corporate concubine for insurance, pharmaceutical and health industry CEO’s.

The American Life League stoops to a new low using Kennedy's death the corporate CEO agenda

The American Life League stoops to a new low using Kennedy's death the corporate CEO agenda

Yes, the anti-choice anti-abortion movement, who brought our society domestic terror on women’s clinics and Drs have sunk to a low in a new direction, using Senator Ted Kennedy’s barely cold dead body to push the agenda for the corporate pimp daddies.

Among the plethora of crazy, barely coherent signs present at the 9/12 DC Teabagger event, this sign caught our attention which reads:


This sort of sentiment was donned on a lot of scribbled hand-written signs, but something this crass appearing like it was mass produced by a 501c3 astroturf organization was a bit out of the ordinary.

There was very little to clue us in to the producers of this nasty sign except a barely visible logo for something called “ALL.”

But, alas with a little digging we found out that the organization that mass-produced this sign is the American Life League (source), one of the largest pro-life organizations in the United States. It is a spin-off of the National Right to Life Committee and was founded by Judie and Paul Brown (source) with help from Heritage Foundation founder Paul Weyrich. Among ALL’s projects are Rock 4 Life, ALL’s campaign to shut down Planned Parenthood as well as their campaign to expose pro-choice catholics and deny them communion.

Long story short: A very sick minded astroturf lobbying group whose claim to fame is that they are dedicated to “preserving the sanctity of life” exploits the death of one man to achieve short-term political goals that deny health coverage to millions of Americans for the sake of corporate buggery. Classy.
More of these nasty signs can be found here and here


Filed under "Healthcare", "Town hall meetings", Abortion, Politics, Tea Parties, Uncategorized

Right Wing Thugs to Attack Peace Vigil in DC!!

When Fascism Attacks

When Fascism Attacks

*ALERT*: The Freepers (Free Republic) and Tea Baggers have announced they will be harassing the weekly peace vigil at Walter Reed Army Medical Center in front of the WRAMC sign.

From 6:30pm to 10:00pm September 11th, 2009

The Walter Reed vigil has been a long standing event, supported by union members, anti war-activists and veterans. The purpose of the vigil is to shed light on the Army practice of bringing in wounded troops at night to hide the truth about the war. Freepers have a pattern of harassing the vigil; with the large turnout expected for the Teabag/Freeper event on 9/12, the potential for severe intimidation of the vigil attendees is high.

Whatever your position on the troops, we ask you come out and lend your support. The vigil is held every Friday evening between Dahlia and Elder in front of the WRAMC sign. Signs will be provided.

This is the website of the vigil:



Filed under "Healthcare", "Town hall meetings", Politics