Tag Archives: "Healthcare"

Right Wing Thugs to Attack Peace Vigil in DC!!

When Fascism Attacks

When Fascism Attacks

*ALERT*: The Freepers (Free Republic) and Tea Baggers have announced they will be harassing the weekly peace vigil at Walter Reed Army Medical Center in front of the WRAMC sign.

From 6:30pm to 10:00pm September 11th, 2009

The Walter Reed vigil has been a long standing event, supported by union members, anti war-activists and veterans. The purpose of the vigil is to shed light on the Army practice of bringing in wounded troops at night to hide the truth about the war. Freepers have a pattern of harassing the vigil; with the large turnout expected for the Teabag/Freeper event on 9/12, the potential for severe intimidation of the vigil attendees is high.

Whatever your position on the troops, we ask you come out and lend your support. The vigil is held every Friday evening between Dahlia and Elder in front of the WRAMC sign. Signs will be provided.

This is the website of the vigil:



Filed under "Healthcare", "Town hall meetings", Politics

Nazis Have Business Meetings?

NSM Rally in November 08

NSM Rally in November 08

The costumed Neo-Nazi outfit the National Socialist Movement aka the “NSM” has just posted a press release on their website stating that they are having an open meet and greet “business meeting” *LULZ!!!!!!!*

We are posting this because we are having fun taking the piss out of it, and because of all the F***ing morons who compare everything they disagree with to “Hitler”

Idiot Brainwashed LaRouchie Cult Follower Tries to Paint Our First African American President As Hitler

Idiot Brainwashed LaRouchie Cult Follower Tries to Paint Our First African American President As Hitler

FYI-the NSM are ACTUAL NAZIS … people who want healthcare for the public are NOT!

NSM Southeast/Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference


The National Socialist Movement to host a Party business meeting on the 29th of August, 2009.


Detroit, Michigan 27-AUG-09. The National Socialist Movement (NSM) is hosting a Party business meeting on the 29th of August, 2009. The NSM Southeast/Mid Atlantic area will hold a Regional 2009 meeting. All members of the following States; PA,DE,MD,VA,WV,NC,SC,FL,AL & GA are asked to attend this important meeting and political – grassroots training seminar. All NSM members are welcome to attend this event from 10AM-4PM on Saturday .

The NSM will then host a Meet and Greet for supporters and interested parties from 4PM-6PM, come and see what makes the NSM the fastest growing and most active White Civil Rights group in the Country!

Commander Jeff Schoep will be in attendance along with many other exciting speakers! Don’t miss this opportunity! Later that evening plans are being made for entertainment and comradeship!

Those interested in attending may contact us via the address below for more information.

Email to: southeast (at) nsm88.org

Subject: Regional Conference

A limited amount of literature and merchandise will be available.

This is a business meeting and a non-uniformed event. Attire is business casual.

About the NSM:

The NSM, America’s National Socialist Party, is the largest and most active National Socialist movement in America. The NSM’s core beliefs include: defending the rights of white people everywhere, preservation of our European culture and heritage, strengthening family values, economic self-sufficiency, and reform of illegal immigration policies, immediate withdrawal of our national military from an illegal Middle Eastern occupation and promotion of white separation.


Press Contact: Public Relations Liaison
Organization Name: National Socialist Movement
Email: pr (at) nsm88.org
Phone: 651-659-6307
Website: http://www.nsm88.org

National Socialist Movement
Attn: Public Relations Liaison
PO Box 13768
Detroit MI 48213

Also see:
Wikileaks Publishes Neo-Nazi Emails

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Filed under "Healthcare", "Town hall meetings", Immigration, Nazis, Politics

TOWN HELL: Crass Mob Heckles Rabbi, Shouts Down Dean at Health Care “Town Hall” in Reston


VILE ALLEGATIONS FLY: GOP Astroturfers Accuse Democratic Astroturfers of Being Astroturfers
Still images by Isis, via Flickr.

Town Hall Hell in Reston VA

Town Hall Hell in Reston VA

Video via YouTube: “Town Hell”, edited by Mike Flugennock and photographed by The Town Hell Posse.

From our buddy “Nick”

On the evening of August 25, 2009, thousands of Virginians attended a town hall meeting on federal health care reform in Reston, Virginia.

The event was held at South Lakes High School and featured Congressman Jim Moran (D-VA) and former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean.

While the majority of attendees at the facility were explicit supporters of health care reform, numerous right-wing individuals disrupted the event.

Town Hall Heathcare Supporter in Reston VA

Town Hall Heathcare Supporter in Reston VA

In one instance, a right-winger punched an Obama supporter in the face without provocation. The right-winger was subsequently pushed away from the area by several individuals and Fairfax County Police later evicted him from the property.

The man was wearing a CATO Institute t-shirt. The institution is a libertarian think tank based in Washington, D.C.

In another incident, several conservative military veterans surrounded an elderly man and physically intimidated him in an attempt to censor the man who supported health care reform.

Countless conservatives held signs of President Obama that prominently featured the president’s face with a mustache painted under his nose meant to resemble former German dictator Adolf Hitler.

Others held signs that portrayed President Obama as the cartoon character The Joker. The images of Obama as The Joker resembled old minstrel shows whereby actors of European descent applied facial makeup in a mocking attempt to resemble individuals of African descent.

Crazy La Rouchies Carry Obama as Hitler Signs

Crazy La Rouchies Carry Obama as Hitler Signs

Several conservative supporters of status quo health care flew “Don’t Tread on Me” flags and attempted to silence anyone who “does not support freedom,” has “socialist” tendencies or did not serve in the U.S. Military.

Before the town hall meeting began conservative pro-life activist Randall Terry mocked “baby-killing” by stabbing play dolls and pretended to assassinate a woman resembling a “grandma.” Terry protested Obama’s health care reform legislation and called it “baby killing and grandma killing.”

Randall Terry and his Circus Act

Randall Terry and his Circus Act

Terry told a local reporter “there’s no way to pay for [Obama’s health care reform] without killing granny.”

The prominent activist and his supporters later interrupted former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean’s speech only to be chased out by local Virginians.

Several right-wing activists held signs that read “Obama Lies, Grandma Dies.” When questioned about the signs several right-wing activists replied by warning of “socialism” and “death panels.”

Several local media outlets described the event as turning into “near chaos” as supporters and opponents clashed inside and outside the high school.


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Filed under "Healthcare", "Town hall meetings", Nazis, Politics, Race, racism, Tea Parties

State of the Left: We Rot While “Town Hall” Bullies Multiply

By *Luke

Bennett editorial cartoon

State of the Left: We Rot While “Town Hall” Bullies Multiply

Date Created * 19 Aug 2009

While right-wing nutjobs show up armed at healthcare events where Obama is present, while evictions and foreclosures proceed at record rates, while wars rage in Iraq and Afghanistan, we of the left in DC and elsewhere have allowed our infrastructure and ability to deploy to any mission rot and crumble.
Few would envy the dark days of 2002-2005, but during that time the Left in DC had more infrastructure assets than we did in the age of Seattle and A16. Our organizational assets were best in the 2000-2001 period, but were far stronger in 2002-2005 than they are now. Now we bring dozens or at most hundreds to the streets, while some of our worst enemies show up armed-and by the thousands-at health care Town Halls.

Beyond the health care nightmare and seeming death of any real reform, a critical Fall packed with actions of global importance will soon be upon us. Those Town hall bastards get money from Big Pharmas and the GOP, while our former infrastructure built on the sweat of volunteers has rotted away….more

The rest of the article can be found HERE

*Luke is a very good friend to the collective of Lady Liberty’s Lamp and has dedicated decades of his life to covering and bringing us news and activism.

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Filed under "Healthcare", "Town hall meetings", Race, racism, Tea Parties

NEW BLOG Flaggin The Tea Baggin!

The Tea Baggers Are Coming

The Tea Baggers Are Coming

In honor of the next big astroturf racist based meet-up “Tea Party” on September 12 in Washington DC there is a new blog with tea bagger updates:

The Tea Baggers Are Coming

Flaggin The Tea Baggin

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Filed under "Healthcare", "Town hall meetings"

The Shouting Out of “Heil Hitler” Proves The Hate Behind The Anti-Healthcare Movement.

The anti-Healthcare Crowd Goes Straight Up Nazi

The anti-Healthcare Crowd Goes Straight Up Nazi

From Think Progress

Woman yells ‘Heil Hitler’ to Jewish man praising Israel’s national health care system.
Conservatives have strenuously denied that there is any anti-Semitism on display by anti-health reform protesters at town hall meetings nationwide — despite all the evidence to the contrary. Last week, Las Vegas radio station KDWN AM720 sponsored a “contentious” town hall, emceed by conservative morning show host Heidi Harris. At the event, local news stations were interviewing an Israeli man who was praising the “fantastic” “national health care” in Israel. During his remarks, a woman yelled out, “Heil Hitler!” The man stopped, became visibly upset, and exclaimed, “Did you hear this? She say to a Jew, ‘Heil Hitler’! Hear? I’m a Jew! You’re telling me, ‘Heil Hitler’? Shame of you!” After he angrily confronts her, the woman mocks him by making a crying sound to imply he is a whining baby.

There is a video of it here:

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Filed under "Healthcare", "Town hall meetings", Uncategorized

Virginia Republicans Continue With KKK Theme

The Confederate flag means different things to different people, but over all, it is a symbol embraced by many White Power groups and organizations.

Ku Klux Klan wave the flag of their heritage

Ku Klux Klan wave the flag of their heritage

With the rise of old southern racism along with threats of old Ku Klux Klan style violence at the town hall health care debates
, images of the “Stars and Bars” used in present day election campaigns can prove most concerning.

Bob McDonnell is a Christian Conservative candidate running for Governor in the commonwealth of Virginia.
Despite his claims of being a mainstream moderate candidate, both his record and the recent actions of his campaign are proving otherwise.

The latest of Bob McDonnell’s campaign highjinx was the displaying of a Confederate flag at an weapons and gun show in Richmond Virginia.

Virginia Republican Gubernatorial candidate Bob McDonnell's proudly displays racist confederate flag

Virginia Republican Gubernatorial candidate Bob McDonnell's proudly displays racist confederate flag

McDonnell is not the only Virginia Republican candidate to show an affection to this symbol of hate. Bill Bolling, the Republican candidate for Lt. Governor also proudly shows his affiliation with a flag and culture based in racism and terror.

Republican Lt. Gubernatorial candidate Bill Bolling also displays the flag of the KKK proudly

Republican Lt. Gubernatorial candidate Bill Bolling also displays the flag of the KKK proudly

This shameless pandering to a negligible, racist and violent voting bloc mirrors the current pathetic republican strategies to gain support for their agendas.

The Republican Old Southern Strategy

The Republican Old Southern Strategy

Also see Poison Ivy in the Astroturf

Cuccinelli:The Crackpot Candidate

NEW! Who Is Pulling Bob McDonnell’s Racist Puppet Strings!


Filed under "Healthcare", "Town hall meetings", Politics, Race, racism, Tea Parties, Uncategorized

Poison Ivy In The Astroturf

Utilizing the power of mob rule to terrorize blacks, Jews, “liberals”, catholics, anti-slavery and anti-segregationist activists in the south has been an old Ku Klux Klan tactic for over a century. And now the use of threatening mobs, images of lynching are being used by crowds with a predisposition of racism by Washington DC policy and lobby groups to oppose reformed healthcare.

KKK and a right-wing Recess Rally thug share common ideals

KKK and a right-wing Recess Rally thug share common ideals

The dark practice of lynching in the post civil war south became so ingrained that they were viewed not only as a daily occurrence, but as a legitimate aspect of society. The use of lynchings was seen as a proper way to purge undesirable elements from a racially insular southern society, regardless of the laws enacted by a federal government commonly seen as “oppressive” or “tyrannical.”
The latest carny show from the right wing loony bin is to incite small bombastic crowds over healthcare reform. These astroturf groups are actually being coached by K st policy and lobby groups, who are manipulating them with an old whited hooded playbook.

A page from the old KKK playbook

A page from the old KKK playbook

Gangs of twenty to fifty crazed, incoherent angry white people sputter nonsensical, panicked cries over rumors of the president being a Kenyan citizen (only white people can be Americans to them!).

This small, demented demographic are under the belief that brown people are now acting as their lords and masters.

The healthcare industry use of racist images oppose Obama

The healthcare industry use of racist images oppose Obama

The use of town hall meetings to display two year old toddler level meltdowns crying “I want my country back” is a way to demand the return of “white people” back to power.

Woodrow Wilson quote from KKK movie "Birth of a Nation"

Woodrow Wilson quote from KKK movie "Birth of a Nation"

Mobilizing a great number of people to confront their elected officials about policy is a grand and democratic concept; this occurs when a respectful dialogue is established between the citizen and their representative; in simpler terms, when everybody behaves like intelligent, respectful adults.

Mob rule is profoundly undemocratic and because it bypasses the effort to establish a respectful dialogue in favor of threatening, confrontational behavior in order to swing legislation in their favor. It less the behavior of a healthy society than it is of a petulant child who balks at having an early bed time. The line between an angry crowd and a lynch mob is easily marked: violence.

The Town Hall meetings have finally devolved into violence.

Scuffles erupted at Town Halls being held in Ybor City, Florida, and in St. Louis County, Missouri, between opponents and supporters of health care reform.

Despite continued assertions these groups are not being organized by Washington DC based astroturf organizations, people are still being lured and suckered into increasingly confrontational situations for the benefit of the very wealthy health insurance industry.

Instead of focusing on one organization and its front groups, here are fifteen sponsors of the “Recess Rally.”

Redstate.com – Since 2006, owned by Eagle Publishing, parent company of the magazine Human Events– home to Robert Novak, Michelle Malkin, Oliver North, Pat Buchanan, and Ann Coulter, among others. (source)

Smart Girl Politics Social networking and internet marketing website, aimed primarily at teabaggers; anti-choice, religionists who are failing at trying to look hip.

Net Right Nation Front group for Americans for Limited Government that posits itself as “your unique portal to the conservative blogosphere.”

Join Patients First Founded by Americans for Prosperity, they are sponsoring a bus tour of town hall meetings and are working with Patients United Now, another AFP front group.

Tea Party Patriots – A FreedomWorks front group. A leaked memo from volunteer Bob McGuffie detailed instructions for members on how best to harass and intimidate Democratic town hall meetings. (source)

American Liberty Alliance Formerly the DontGo pro-drilling/teabag project, founded by internet marketer Eric Odom. One of the major forces behind the whole Teabag movement.

FreedomWorks– Chaired by former congressman Dick Armey, shares top billing in the Teabag movement with Ron Paul’s Campaign for Liberty. Freedomworks has a long history of astroturf. Tried to pass off the Iowa state director of a conservative advocacy group as a “typical single mother” who approved of Bush’s social security privatization scheme. Created the astroturf website angryrenter.com in response to Obama’s housing bailout. (source)

Sam Adams Alliance ANOTHER group specializing in social networking and internet marketing, aimed primarily at teabaggers. Their New Media Coordinator was until January 1, 2009, the co-founder of the DontGo teabag project: internet marketer Eric Odom.  (source)

Americans For Prosperity Recently trounced by Rachel Maddow, Americans for Prosperity is a tobacco lobbying firm that is a major player in the teabag movement, and an opponent of Global Warming legislation. Recently launched Patients United Now and Join Patients First. (source)

Let Freedom Ring Brought to you by the same people behind the obnoxious campaigns, commercials and websites neverfindout.org, consequences.org, commonsensethinking2008.org, nobama.us and bothwaysbarack.com. You remember them– they’re the ones that really have no problem using images of 9/11 as cheap political props.

Michelle Malkin Michelle Malkin. Completely bonkers blogger featured quite prominently on many of the sites in this list.

American Majority Organization that provides “post-tea party training” as well as other forms of leadership and political training. See Rachel Maddow’s video for more on this group.

American Liberty Tour a nationwide tour organized by American Majority and the American Liberty Alliance to oppose any form of heath care reform.

Nationwide Tea Party Coalition The “Nationwide tea party coalition.” The commonality between teabag organizations and the Recess Rally crowd should be evidence enough that severe astroturfing is happening. The teabag movement has long been exposed as being the handiwork of Dick Armey’s Freedomworks and Ron Paul’s Campaign for Liberty.

Americans for Limited Government – Draws its funding from a few large donors, all interrelated to chairman Howard Rich. These large donors don’t actually do much of anything outside of acting as “bank accounts” for ALG. (source)

The old image of angry mobs at town hall meetings is a typical hollywood trope: a gaggle of provincial villagers gather to drive out the eccentric new residents, or to drive out the mad scientist from his castle, or to drive out any form of change or progress. After being definitively vanquished at the polls, conservative leaders have decided that making reality resemble a B-grade horror movie is an appropriate tactic to regain legitimacy. Unfortunately, whether intentionally or not, these leaders have tapped into something far more terrifying and more real than any frankenstein monster– the specter of the lynch mob.


Filed under "Healthcare", "Town hall meetings", Politics, Race, racism, Tea Parties