Category Archives: Politics

New Blog and Twitter For DC Tent City Protest

About a week ago, we reported on a tent city protest in DC at Parcel 42.

Well, it appears that things are still going strong and now you can find the updates on their blog and on Twitter
From their blog

On July 10th, ONE DC members and supporters began a stand for equity in constructing a TENT CITY on Parcel 42 at 7th St NW & Rhode Island Ave NW, to to begin building an intentional community on the city-owned lot so that there can be housing and shelter in the neighborhood affordable for families making under $50,000.

ONE DC has organized for over four years to ensure that the housing development planned for Parcel 42 addressed the housing crisis faced by no-to-low-income households. Two years ago, ONE DC members believed that they had a victory with Parcel 42 – Fenty’s administration agreed to build affordable housing development, which would include 94 units with a promised $7.8 million city subsidy.

We are adding this blog to our blog roll and have signed up for their Twitter, what a great way to keep up with a worthy cause!

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Feds Look for Wikileaks Founder at NYC Hacker Event

We here @ the LLL are big fans of WikiLeaks. They have brought us numerous good sources of info on boneheads, Nazis and even the fascist BNP membership list.

We cheer on Wikileaks here on the LLL, and grateful for the info they have provided for the public.

But, the founder of wikileaks is in trouble for publishing graphic video footage of a horrible action in Iraq of the senseless slaughter of Iraqi journalists which was footage and information about an event the public had a right to at least know about.

The soldier who gave the footage to wikileaks is in jail in Kuwait, (which is ridiculous because Bush and Cheney are the war criminals here) and now the FBI is on the hunt for wikileaks founder Julian Assange who is presently out of the country.

The Feds showed up at a hacker convention in NYC under the impression that Assange would be there.

July 16, 2010 10:05 PM PDT
Feds look for Wikileaks founder at NYC hacker event
by Declan McCullagh
NEW YORK CITY–Federal agents appeared at a hacker conference on Friday morning looking for Julian Assange, the controversial figure who has become the public face of Wikileaks, an organizer said.
Eric Corley, publisher of 2600 Magazine and organizer of The Next HOPE conference in midtown Manhattan, said that five Homeland Security agents appeared at the conference a day before Assange was scheduled to speak.
The conference program lists Assange — who has been at the center of a maelstrom of positive and negative publicity relating to the arrest of a U.S. serviceman and videos he may have provided the document-sharing site — as speaking at 1 p.m. ET on Saturday.
“If he shows up, he will be questioned at length,” Corley told CNET. Assange did not immediately respond to questions late Friday.
Corley announced on April 19 that Assange would be a keynote speaker. But by June 14, after news of the arrest of Army intelligence specialist Bradley Manning leaked, the conference was warning that Assange may remain outside of the United States for fear of being arrested on related charges.
One source close to Wikileaks indicated late Friday that it was still unclear whether Assange would show up in person or appear through a video conference (a third option would be for another Wikileaks representative to fill in). A conference security staffer said that after being told they needed search warrants to enter the event, at least two agents paid the $100 admission fee to get in.
“If they didn’t have a search warrant, they’d have to pay to get in,” said Corley, who also goes by the pen name Emmanuel Goldstein. “They did.”
Assange has cancelled numerous public appearances in the United States in the last few months, or appeared through a video conference. But he did make a surprise appearance at the TED Global conference at Oxford University on Friday.
Manning was charged last week with sending classified information to a person not authorized to receive it and with obtaining “more than 150,000 diplomatic cables” from the State Department’s computers.
In April, Wikileaks released a gritty video–which Manning allegedly sent to the organization–showing U.S. troops in Iraq destroying a vehicle that was preparing to rush a wounded Reuters journalist to the hospital. The Apache pilots appeared to mistake the Reuters news crew, who were holding cameras, for armed insurgents.
Manning is charged with two violations of the Uniform Code of Military Justice. The charges could be heard by a court martial if a so-called Article 32 investigation, similar to a civilian grand jury hearing, decides there is enough evidence to proceed


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Glenn Beck’s Passion Play

Through out history there were propaganda plays to incite hatred towards Jews called “Passion Plays”.

In today’s world Mel Gibson tried to recreate a new public rash of anti-Semitism with his over budgeted and over rated “Passion of Christ”.

We all remember how Gibson tried to deny that there was any bigotry as a motivation, and of course now we know he is a liar.

Now, Glenn Beck has taken center stage in the anti-Jew religious hatred, even after Pope John Paul II declared that the responsibility of the death of the Christian savior was not by the hands of the Jewish people.

But, that doesn’t seem to sink in to Beck the bigot with his latest quote:

“If Jesus was a victim he would have come back from the dead and made the Jews pay for what they did.”

Read more:

But wait! At least he’s still loved by skanky meth induced clown faced bimbos everywhere!

BTW– this horrid looking creature’s name is : Robin Potwora, she is some kind of tobacco lobbyist/activist and maybe works with the circus?


Filed under Politics

Afternoon Lulz in the Classifieds: Gutsy Lawyer Wanted!

Paul Topete and his Band Pokerface at a July 4 2009, Tea Bagger Shindig

Every once in a while we find ourselves just sitting down for a laugh, reading the crazy papers and then we find it, the afternoon lulz!

A copy of Willis Carto‘s white nationalist paper American Free Press was an afternoon entertainment and became even more entertaining when we got to the classifieds:

We are guessing that poor Paul Topete from the right wing white nationalist band Pokerface wants to sue the ADL for calling him a racist?

And, he is doing this by advertising in a racist publication; The American Free Press?

We also drew a little arrow to point out the ad for the National Alliance who is using the AFP classifieds to recruit for their neo-Nazi organization!

BTW…the full scan is here:

But Wait There's More!

The whole ordeal seems to be Paul’s and Pokerface’s connection to the Hutaree Militia group who was arrested for plotting a domestic terrorist attack against law enforcement officers in April of 2010.

Paul Topete and His Band's Connection to the Hutaree Extremist Militia Group

So, now Paul wants to take the ADL to court for exercising the “freedom of speech and press” Paul and his fellow fascist nationalist friends stamp their feet and have tantrums over.

And, to boot, the ADL have their facts pretty straight, we have discovered and reported the same information they have.

The problem with Paul is that he wants to be a racist without being called out on it, which would be fine if all they were only another silly PA bar band.

But, Pokerface wants to get involved in politics with the likes of Ron Paul, the anti-immigration movement and the Tea Baggers, this makes them political players and now they are fair game.

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Filed under Politics, Tea Parties

One DC: Community Block Party and Housing as a Human Right!

ONE DC cordially invites you to enjoy the festivities and support

ONE DC’s Community Block Party and Housing as a Human Right!

Saturday, July 10, 2010
7th & S Streets, NW
Washington, DC
12:00 pm – 5:00 pm

4pm-Press Conference about our Human Right to Housing!
5pm-onward…You have be there to see and participate!

Great free food & family fun
Games & face painting
Community learning about our Human Rights and Right to Housing

Stand with ONE DC as we campaign for the Human Right to Housing/Equitable Land Development!


Filed under Politics

Happy Birthday One People’s Project! One Decade Strong!

One People's Project is 10 Years Old July 4, 2010

Our affiliate One People’s Project is 10 years old today July 4, 2010.

We here at the Lamp started on Memorial Day, 2009, but OPP was born on the Independence day of America back in 2000.

For nostalgia sake here is OPP’s first flyer:

Groups come and go, but, OPP as stuck with it, earning the respect of even a few hardcore racists.

They might not like OPP but they respect the fact that Daryle Lamont Jenkins has proven the guts to show up and walk the talk.

Daryle Lamont Jenkins in AZ Reporting on the June 5, 2010 Racist Pro-SB1070 Rally.

10 More YEARS!!!!

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Afternoon LULZ!!

Our friend “Flint” posted this up on his FB and we thought it would be good for an afternoon funny…

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The Corporate Lobbyists Who Attacked Reporter: David Weigel

Matt Dornic: Quinn Gillespie's Own James O'Keefe?

As of late the beltway insider media storm has been over the public humiliation of reporter on Teabaggers and birthers, David Weigel.
It’s a petty, moronic tale; Weigel belonged to a private listerv for fellow journalists which was maintained by Washington Post reporter Ezra Klein.
The purpose of the list was to be the smoky “reporter bar” we see in the old black and white movies, where reporters can let their hair down and shoot the shit over smokes and bourbons.

David Weigel; Who Has Never Tried to Hide His Opinions of Political Extremism

There was a code of ethics for those on the list that everything posted on the list stays within the list, keeping it a free speech zone for blowing off steam.
Well, not everything is 100% safe on the internet– someone leaked a few of the e-mails that Weigel posted onto the list complaining about the right wing extremists he had been reporting on.

The statements he made were not flattering, but they are not uncommon statements made by journalists to make off record after dealing with their everyday reporting. Not unlike when people meet up at a bar after work and bitch about the the details of their work day.

It is not clear who leaked these e-mails, but what is clear is that the e-mails were exposed by Washington DC lobby/PR firm Quinn Gillespie’s media director : Matt Dornic. All of this was done via Dornic’s cheesy blog called FishbowlDC.
It is such a crappy blog we won’t bother linking to it, but you can Google it for yourself if you wish.

The result of this moronic situation is that Weigel was forced to resign as a reporter for the Washington Post as a journalistic source of the state of the right wing.

Weigel, a socially liberal Libertarian, might have made too many enemies from the crazies he reported on and he was an obvious threat for the facts he was exposing.

Much of what we have stated so far has been printed and talked about over and over, but very little has been said about Dornic’s boss, Quinn Gillespie.

On their site, Quinn Gillespie and Associates claim to be a bi-partisan lobby and public relations firm, yet specific political clients they have worked with are not posted on the site.
What is posted on the site a list of their corporate clients, and an interesting, yet vague babble about their “results” which sound almost like a T-Bagger bullet point list: Healthcare Industry, International Corporatism, pro-Coal Industry, Taxes

According to Think Progress Dornic often used his throw away blog FishBowlDC as a way to plug issues and events connected to Quinn Gillespie and Associates.

With that fact, why was Dornic not fired from Quinn Gillespie and Associates for the unethical action of posting private e-mails on a blog to cause harm and embarrassment to a reporter while that blog is also used to promote the firm?

Arguments can be made that Dornic’s shitty blog is not affiliated with the firm, but Weigel’s private statements on a listserv were not affiliated with the Washington Post either.

Fair questions we are asking:

Why did Dornic ( and possibly, Quinn Gillespie and Asscoiates) target David Weigel?

Was Dornic working “on the clock” for Quinn Gillespie and Associates when he pulled this dubious stunt?

Was this stunt done at the behest of the firm?

Most respectable public relations firms would distance themselves a sleazy move like this, but they remain silent and with Dornic still in their employment.

How far is this from the amateur media hack and dress up pimp daddy James O’Keefe breaking into federal senate offices while on Breitbart’s payroll?

Andrew Breitbart

And speaking of Mr. psycho Big Government, crazy Andrew Breitbart is going by the way of America’s king of porn Larry Flynt and offering $100K for anyone to give him the entire archive of the journalist listserv Weigel was exposed on so he too can continue the hackery.

Lest we digress from the point of this article, which asks the question: how much did this corporate lobbying/public relations firm have to do with a reporter losing his job for reporting on events that might have shed their own interests in a bad light?

How much of this kind of manipulation of our media by these corporate interests are we supposed to allow as a country that is supposed to value the first amendment of the Constitution?


Filed under Politics

It’s What’s For Dinner…

From Mike Flugennock
Here’s another piece inspired by an article I saw at
one of my all-time favorite Leftie blogs, Stop Me Before I Vote
— specifically, this entry, containing an especially pithy comment
by another one of my Leftie blogozone faves, The Drunken Pundit, who comments:

…With both parties fully in the grip of the
industrial-financial-military complex of the American Empire they have
to serve up shit sandwiches to everyone but they each need their own
distinctive flavor of shit in order to differentiate

I honestly can’t think of anything else to add to this succinct and
elegant analysis — at least not in written words — so, I’m not going
to waste time blathering here this time, and just get on with the cartoon:

11×17 inch medium-res jpg image, 624k.

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Phoenix Rose With Racist Biker Gangs and Assorted Fringe June 5th ; Dan Smeriglio’s New South West Friends

Ancient land … ancient tribes….ancient terrortories of rolling dusty hills …battles won…battles lost…who is allowed and who is not allowed to stay and go…our laws are full of those who decide…and very little voice for those with an even smaller voice…or maybe its not its not that small…cuz…Dapper Dan Smeriglio has been having a hard time since Billy Gheen’s “freak out”…

June 5 2010 Phoenix Rally Organizer Dan Smeriglio Attracts More Racist Fringe

An old proverb of the nineteen seventies was : “never look into a mirror while on acid, the mirror will show you things about yourself you don’t want to see.
Gheen looked into Smeriglio’s mirror mirror mirror on the wall and didn’t like who looked back…we got the images and there is a whole lot of ugly…

Phoenix AZ June 5, 2010-With numbers falling far short of the projected tens of thousands of attendees, the June 5 “Phoenix Rising” rally attracted nearly 700 supporters of SB1070, Arizona’s “Papers Please” law. Organizers attempted to distance themselves from the looming cloud of white supremacist and racist ties by forcing their speakers to toe the line of “this isn’t about race.” These attempts fell flat on their face with attendees, speakers and sponsors from the broader white supremacist community.

Tee-Shirt from White Power vendor TightRope/Panzerfaust

(1% biker wearing shirt bearing the slogan “It’s Not Illegal To Be White…Yet” which originated with the neo-nazi music distributor Tightrope/Panzerfaust.)

Sons Of Liberty Riders Claim Support For 1% Bike Gangs On their Website

Heat was certainly an aspect in severely denting the turnout, but the biggest factor were the reactions to organizer Daniel Smeriglio’s ties to white supremacists and the subsequent pullout of major sponsor Americans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC). Despite constant claims that their rally was not about racism or hatred, one one person had a tattoo featuring a shamrock inside a Celtic Cross—a symbol for the racist prison gang Aryan Brotherhood.

Guy with Yellow Cap Sports Aryan Brotherhood Tattoo on Elbow

One of the bikers present and attending under the auspices of the “Sons of Liberty Riders” wore a t-shirt featuring the logo of the 1% outlaw biker gang White Boy Society; White Boy Society is tied to both the violent racist skinhead gang Vinlanders Social Club and the National Socialist Movement.

White Boy Society

Acting as an official sponsor and operating a booth promoting the “American Border Patrol” was Council of Conservative Citizens and American Renaissance associate Glenn Spencer; Spencer is best known for promoting the ridiculous conspiracy theory that Mexicans are crossing the border in an attempt to re-conquer the American Southwest.

Another Crazy Misspelled Right Wing Sign

Five people were taken away by paramedics because of the heat, and organizers exacerbated the situation by not providing free water, instead charging one dollar for a small bottle.
Those that did not succumb to the heat heard speakers from equally suspect organizations like Barbara Coe from California Citizens for Immigration Reform, Rosemary Jenks from NumbersUSA .

Check Out Imagine2050 for Smack Down Coverage!!

An animated, raving speech and an appearance from Kevin DeAnna, a pro-European right wing activist from the Leadership Institute and is also the leader and founder of the pro-white/anti-multicultural college organization Youth for Western Civilization (it appears he wrote a report back of the rally on the white “racialist” site

Kevin DeAnna dons a Wotanist Thor's Hammer for His Leadership Institute Photo.

Speakers who enjoy a brighter public spotlight were not shy about attending, either– former congressman Tom Tancredo, Pennsylvania congressman Daryl Metcalfe and Maricopa county sheriff Joe Arpaio all spoke. Rounding out the cast was a baffling speech from African American activist Ted Hayes, who referred to Al Sharpton as a “traitor” and declared that African Americans were responsible for slavery, and race baiter Ray Herrera talking about the superior “anglo culture”.

Controversial "Constitutional Party" Has Presence

(Controversial Constitution Party Has Presence)
Smeriglio plans another rally in Texas.


Filed under extremism, Immigration, Nazis, Politics, Race, racism, Tea Parties